Focusing on provider services in Early Intervention under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the author advocates for a family centered approach when addressing the needs of at-risk children, as well as a screening process that broadens the scope of which children should be eligible to receive early intervention services. In particular, the author advocates for building in mental health supports for young children and their families.
"Pairing [the Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation] effective connections with caregivers with [the Early Intervention extensive evaluation and service delivery model] provides an opportunity to build resilience among the most vulnerable children. ...
"Children who are exposed to multiple social risk factors, such as poverty, domestic or community violence, substance abuse, etc., have a higher risk of experiencing mental health issues (Bjorkenstam, 2017). Unfortunately, the current EI system doesn’t seem to have the capacity to adequately address the social emotional needs of these children. This blog will explore opportunities for the current EI system to improve its services related to social emotional development."
Read more here about possible areas of collaboration that could strengthen resilience building for at risk young children:
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