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Oprah's 60 Minutes on ACEs

I'm based in London where the ACEs movement is starting to take off. We have been encouraged by the James Redford film "Resilience" which is being widely shown in the UK.

Can anyone suggest how we can watch Oprah's 60 minute show in the UK?

All good wishes for your great work. 


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Andi Fetzner posted:

I have Oprah fever right now and cannot stop "dancing on tabletops" as she says in this interview-

So excited that our work is becoming Oprah-approved. She has been doing the work forever. I'm so excited to hear about her "Aha!" moment in understanding how adversity explains a lifetime of health and behavioral struggles. 


I feel the same. Sunday night is like the SuperBowl for Survivors with Oprah for the touchdown and as gamechanger. The fact that she's a survivor, a black woman who has known poverty and trauma as a kid, has a personal connection, talks us not us/them for me is why she's the perfect person to help usher this conversation into living rooms, help it go mainstream and be intersectional.

OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cis

Here is a link to watch Oprah discuss her upcoming episode on 60 minutes during a national morning show:  Oprah on CBS Morning Show

DITTO on Paper Tigers is a powerfully moving movie - I've seen it shown to multiple audience - parents / professionals / skeptics / etc and all reported being moved by the student's stories.  In the movie, students bring video cameras along during their day to day activities which revels the complexities of their home and community environment and how those influences are seen in the school setting.  Without insight from the videos, the teachers and staff would not have known or understood the antecedents to their behaviors at school - and so much more! 

Here is a link to more info on the Paper Tigers Movie  
There is also a report available that provides outcome data. 

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