Note: Since the March 11 airing of Oprah's segment on trauma on 60 Minutes, articles continue such as this April 12 one by Susan Heavey posted on the website of the Association of Health Care Journalists, Center for Excellence in Health Care Journalism. Have you seen others? Please post on ACEs Connection if you have.
New efforts to address children’s health with an increased awareness of potential trauma in their lives gained fresh attention recently, boosted by a big media name –Oprah Winfrey.
In a recent piece for CBS News’ “60 Minutes,” the popular television personality examined the impact of adversity on children and their development as well as the emerging science spurring increased efforts to practice what is called “trauma-informed care.”
Such care aims to examine a person’s history of trauma and focus on how it has impacted their behavior or health. It is increasingly used in a variety of fields, including medicine, education and criminal justice.
To read the entire article by Susan Heavey, click here.
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