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Orientation to the Brain Story and Resilience Scale


The Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents,

Orientation to the Brain Story and Resilience Scale

The Palix Foundation, through the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative, developed the Resilience Scale Metaphor as a means of communicating the key messages of The Brain Story more effectively. Resilience can be defined as the ability to respond positively in the face of adversity. The metaphor depicts how our positive and negative experiences exist in a delicate balance to determine developmental and mental health outcomes, with the fulcrum of the scale being shifted by the presence or absence of core life skills.

Nancy Mannix is the Chair and Patron of the Palix Foundation, a private foundation whose philanthropy aims to ultimately support improved health and wellness outcomes for all children and families.

The Foundation, through the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative, focuses on creating alignments between science, policy and practice in the areas of brain development and its implications for child development, mental health and addiction ultimately generating changes at an individual, organizational and systems level.

Nancy has served as a member of the Alberta Innovates-Health Solutions Board and her long career and highly regarded work in the charitable sector has included a number of organizations such as the Calgary Health Trust and the Canada West Foundation.  She has also served on numerous boards including the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research and the Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute.

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