At the Osborn Governing School District board meeting, on March 20, 2018, the Phoenix, AZ-located board approved a resolution supporting trauma-informed practices in their district. Over the past three years the board studied Adverse Childhood Experiences, reviewed discipline and achievement data, and heard first hand accounts from school leadership and teachers about the needs of students in their community.
The resolution states, “the Osborn Elementary School District Governing Board commits to crafting policies that institutionalize trauma-informed practices; and commits to supporting the training of teachers and support staff on trauma-informed practices and investing in social-emotional curricula.”
“It’s my hope that the resolution garners attention, partnerships and funding so that our students can get the best education in Osborn. As a district, we are dedicated to trauma-informed practices and teaching resilience in a manner that is supported by science. At this point, we need our state and national leaders to catch up to the classroom.” says Katie Paetz, Osborn Governing Board President.
The resolution ends, “Furthermore, the Governing Board of the Osborn Elementary School District directs the Superintendent to foster partnerships with community groups and education services agencies that commit to trauma-informed practices and restorative justice. Finally, the Osborn Elementary School District Governing Board urges the Arizona Department of Education, the Arizona State Board of Education, and the Arizona State Legislature to fund and support programs that include restorative justice, trauma-informed practices, social-emotional wellness, and mental health services.”
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