Perseverance Theater, in Juneau, AK, premiered a play by Vera Starbard, a young Alaska Native woman who wrote about the abuse she suffered as a young girl. In an interview published by the Juneau Empire, Mrs. Starbard spoke about the play and writing it. I have talked to a number of ACE advocates in Juneau who rave about the play.
During my conversations with Dr. VIncent Felitti, he has encouraged me to find ways to tell the ACE story through television. I have tried to interest some of the folk I know, but without much success. Imagine a "Peyton Place" or "As the World Turns" featuring daily stories about the infliction of childhood trauma and the havoc it wreaks on lives. If you have any connections with television production, make that suggestion. And I guess I reveal my age when I talk about Peyton Place. I was fortunate enough as a college student to meet some of the cast of "All my Children." Susan Lucci, who started playing Erica Kane in 1970, was one of them. All My Children played for 40 years, until 2011.
Featuring childhood trauma and its impacts on television can educate a lot of people about the problem and perhaps help lead to solutions.
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