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Overeating: An ACEs Coping Mechanism? by Dr. Alman & Dr. Felitti

As a clinical psychologist and stress management expert, one of the first things I do with my clients and patients is help them discover the root cause of their disease, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Sometimes, an external concern like weight gain stems from internal “dis-ease” that is often rooted in adverse childhood experiences—ACEs.

I’ve seen this repeatedly in my decades of work with private patients and in clinical settings alongside Dr. Felitti, the Co-Principal Investigator of the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study.

We know a high ACE score is connected to “substance-related disorders,” but oftentimes it’s overlooked that food can be that substance of choice, too—not just drugs or alcohol.

Overeaters often:

  • Eat what most people would think is an unusually large amount of food
  • Eat much more quickly than usual, or eat slowly and consistently throughout the day and/or night
  • Eat past satiety or until feeling uncomfortably full
  • Eat despite feeling full or not feeling hungry at all
  • Eat alone due to shame or embarrassment about the quantity of food consumed
  • Feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating
  • Have night-eating sessions
  • Eat impulsively
  • Exhibit compulsive food behaviors like hiding food or eating food out of the garbage
  • Binge eat

Overeating or compulsive eating are not taken as seriously as addictions to drugs or alcohol. Food, after all, is perfectly legal and doesn’t cause a person to put others in harm’s way. However, the internal trauma from ACEs—the toxic stress—is still there and very much weighing heavily from the inside out.

Food is simply the coping solution being used as a temporary pressure relief valve.

Overeaters commonly struggle with weight gain and obesity because of their unhealthy eating habits. And though they may try program after program to lose weight, they eventually quit feeling more frustrated, defeated, and helpless than before.

The thing is, the weight gain isn’t the problem. Rather, it’s the symptom of something deeper.

Therefore, addressing the excess weight with diet and exercise alone isn’t the answer because that only addresses the result of the choice to cope with food.

To lose weight sustainably and healthily, the underlying trauma leading to overeating must be addressed and resolved at a root level alongside the creation of new, healthy habits.

By resolving the underlying trauma, the ACEs, the need to cope with overeating disappears. Then, weight loss happens naturally.

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Dr. Felitti (left), Dr. Ray (right)

In March 2020, Dr. Felitti and I teamed up with Relish Life to offer a comprehensive weight loss program that integrates the science of ACEs, and it’s an ideal solution for overeaters with a high ACE score. The Relish Life program offers a root-cause approach to weight loss that combines the best of psychology, behavioral health, holistic wellness, fitness, nutrition, medication, technology, and more to help people lose weight and keep it off.

Dr. Felitti is an advisor for Relish Life and I’m the Chief Behavioral Officer. Dr. Al Ray, who worked intimately with the ACE Study for over two decades at Kaiser Permanente, is Relish Life’s Chief Medical Officer.

The world needs Relish Life now more than ever.

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Relish Life solves the root neurological and physiological issues that cause overeating using a personalized and comprehensive approach so weight loss can happen naturally. The program includes:

  • Personal Physician: Monitoring your health and progress with regular calls, check-ins, and unlimited text/email support
  • Personalized Medication Plan: FDA-approved, stimulant-free, scientifically proven, and delivered right to your doorstep
  • Designated Health Coach: An initial strategy session and ongoing support and accountability via live check-ins and text/email
  • Expert Psychological Support: Weekly small support group counseling sessions with experts to uncover your ACEs and heal your relationship with food
  • Daily Inspiration, Meditations, Tips, and Tools: Elisa, a friendly chatbot and pocket cheerleader, helps keep you motivated and on track every step of the way
  • Members-Only Educational Portal: A library of mindfulness, hypnotherapy, fitness, and nutrition programs (with live guidance) for lasting change
  • Private Community: Gain access to our private Facebook group to connect with others and leverage the power of community on your path to health and happiness
  • A Mobile App: For even more access to the treatment team and resources (coming soon!)

If you’re an overeater, turn to your ACE score to find the inner weight—the heavy, unresolved traumas—that could be leading you to use food to cope. If you struggle with your weight, Relish Life can help - click here to see how and to get your first month FREE.

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