So many of us are overwhelmed by what feels like nonstop, never-ending demands at work and at home, with smartphones keeping us always on and workplaces that often demand we do more with less. Scott Eblin, a former corporate executive and now executive coach and author of Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative, says people feel they can’t ever step off the spinning gerbil wheel. But they can. He explains how:
Q: Why write about being overworked and overwhelmed?
Eblin: In my work over the last 15 years, I have been focused on leadership coaching and leadership development with executives and managers of Fortune 500 companies. I’ve noticed, especially over the last seven or eight years, when I ask the question, ‘How many of you think it’s crazier this year than it was before?,’ everybody raises their hands.
I just started seeing the pain points with my clients more and more.
[For more of this story, written by Brigid Schulte, go to]
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