I was honored to be given the key to the city by the Mayor of Owensboro, Kentucky, Tom Watson. He shared that it was a gesture of thanks for my collaborative work to reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in their community. The work being done is a team approach involving many committed local stakeholders and the "key" is symbolic of opening doors to new ways of addressing ACEs that lead to measurable and meaningful change.
Owensboro greatly values their children's well-being and plans for a safer, healthier future free of ACEs and family trauma using a data-driven, cross-sector and tech-infused strategy informed by the book I co-authored with Katherine Ortega Courtney, PhD, Anna, Age Eight: The data-driven prevention of childhood trauma and maltreatment.
The prevention program launched in Owensboro, called Resilience Leaders, is a public-private partnership with collaboration between local stakeholders. Resilience Leaders goes far beyond generating awareness of ACEs, as it focuses on improving the quality and quantity of ten vital family-friendly services shown to strengthen families and reduce ACEs and maltreatment: trauma-informed behavioral health care, medical/dental care, parent supports, early childhood learning programs, youth mentors, family-centered schools, safe housing and stable food, transport and job training
Those interested in learning more about data-driven ACEs prevention and the research and thinking that informs Resilience Leaders, can receive a free copy of Anna, Age Eight by contacting me via www.AnnaAgeEight.org or through the news section of the non-profit agency Resilience Leaders: https://www.rleaders.org/in-the-news
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