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PACEs Connection Needs Your Help ASAP



Before you continue scrolling, assuming this post does not pertain to you or your life or otherwise interest you, please consider this: the topic of this posts pertains to everyone, everywhere, including you. I ask you to give me the benefit of the doubt and to read to the end.

Since 2012, the PACEs Connection (formerly ACEs Connection) site has served as the social network for the growing PACEs movement. PACEs (Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences) affect each of us every day, even if we do not have a history of ACEs. How can this be? Because ACEs neurobiologically shape the behavior and health of adults. And ACEs are common: nearly two-thirds of adults experienced at least one ACE as a child. The effects of these common instances of childhood trauma and toxic stress don’t fade in adulthood—they can and do lead to chronic disease, mental illness, violence, and social and financial problems. It is not an exaggeration to state that ACEs are the root of many of our most intractable social problems and challenges. This may sound hopeless, but it’s not—the good news is that not only can the long-term effects of ACEs be minimized and even prevented, but also ACEs can be prevented from happening in the first place. That’s where ACEs science—including that on Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs)—comes into play. In turn, that is where PACEs Connection comes into play.

For more than a decade, 60,000+ PACEs Connection members have shared their best practices based on PACEs science and connected and collaborated, all with the goal of supporting communities everywhere to prevent ACEs, implement PCEs, heal trauma, and build resilience.

In April 2024, PACEs Connection, its funding stream run dry, was forced to sunset operations while it sought a new fiscal home and partner in its work to advance trauma-informed practices. For six months the site lay dormant, its dedicated staff members laid off and the PACEs movement hub, silenced. In October 2024, thanks to the diligence of former PACEs Connection staff members @Carey Sipp and @Dana Brown (PACEs Connection Staff), PACEs Connection found a new nonprofit organizational home: The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives (NPSC). NPSC will liaison with PACEs Connection to build funding, grow membership, increase capacity to inform policy, and provide tools and resources to communities.

With that announcement, PACEs Connection resumed operations; exciting as that achievement was, in order to remain up and running through March 25th, 2025, the social network for tens of thousands engaged in ACEs prevention must raise $15,000 by Tuesday, November 5th.

Yes, this is a plea for donations. Appeals for financial support for causes from political campaigns, to Go-Fund-Me’s for healthcare denied coverage by “health insurance” companies, to domestic violence shelters, to food pantries, to animal shelters seem perpetual, especially at this time of year. Most of those asking for donations are in legitimate need; I give when I can and I know many people do the same. Many of the organizations and individuals compelled to hold out their hands for monetary help might find themselves less in need—and, in the case of some non-profit social service “safety net” programs—less needed by their respective communities—if the work to implement PACEs science continually progresses, and the virtual headquarters for that work, PACEs Connection, remains supported so that it may flourish and spearhead an end to ACEs. That is how foundational PACEs science is to improving quality of life for us all.

I volunteered with PACEs Connection for several years, which is one reason the organization’s work is so near and dear to my heart. During my involvement with PACEs Connection, I was privileged to get to know several of the now-former staff members, and I’ve witnessed the depths of their commitment and contributions to the PACEs movement. They’re doing the good work. And there’s not a one of them that wouldn’t like to work themselves right out of a job. But they need more time. And we’ll all benefit from their devotion to the cause.

Please give if you can:

If you prefer to pay by check, make it out to the National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives – with “PACEs Connection” on the memo line – in care of Dana Brown, and mail it 4364 Bonita Road, PMB322, Bonita, CA 91902.

To make a wire transfer or other type of gift, please email Carey Sipp at carey.pacescommunities @ to receive NPSC’s wire transfer or other electronic funds transfer information.

Because NPSC is a federally recognized 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, your donation is tax deductible.

No amount is too small!

With gratitude,


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Anyone involved or who contributes to child development, healthy family, anti-violence space, child welfare  space in any way should recognize the unique support, community building and communication functions of PACESConnection. This is the time to open your heart and your wallet to keep this valuable resource alive.

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