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PACEs Connection’s year-end giving campaign nets $66,272; many new monthly donors!


In the throes of a financial crisis as the result of a foundation reneging on a grant, PACEs Connection launched its most successful membership-focused fundraising drive to date, and raised more than $66,000 in the last two quarters of 2022. Many gifts were new quarterly pledges.

“We’re excited to have engaged more of our almost 58,000 members than in years past, and we hope that this is a sign of more involvement,” says Ingrid Cockhren, PACEs Connection CEO. “If everyone gave even a little each month, our membership could provide a meaningful source of funding.”

“We sounded the alarm about our finances in June, and in the last six months of 2022, more than 220 members stepped up. For the year, there were more than 300 donors. This process of engaging our members shows how they are owners of PACEs Connection. We want them to know that they are an integral part of this movement and its support, and we are extremely grateful for their participation,” Cockhren adds.

She also adds her thanks to the members who shared their stories of support in a series of donor profiles:

Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.20.37 PMDonor Lois Hall says PACEs Connection is 'proof of where hope is brought in communities'

Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.21.06 PMHighly-honored school nurse and nurse educator Robin Cogan calls PACEs Connection her ‘north star’; urges each member’s support!

Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.21.26 PMJeoff Gordon sees PACEs science, PACEs Connection playing a vital role in ‘relieving some of the most anguishing pain in our society.’

Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.21.56 PM‘We cannot let this shining star die,’ says Peter Chiavetta, volunteer emergency medical technician and PACEs Connection donor.

Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.22.13 PMRenée Wilson-Simmons—founder of Healing Trauma, Reclaiming Joy—counts on PACEs Connection to be 'a catalyst for cultivating the PACEs movement.'

Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.22.43 PMHow Dr. Vincent Felitti, co-author of the ACE Study, and Jane Stevens, founder and publisher of PACEs Connection, crossed paths to accelerate a movement

Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.22.28 PMSofiya Asedrem supports PACEs Connection to help address root causes in her fast-growing Florida community & make mental health a human right.

Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.23.01 PMYear-end giving to PACEs Connection has become a family tradition for Lisa Hofmeister. ‘This work matches our family’s values.’

Donations given in memory of friends and loved ones

All donors are given the opportunity to make gifts in memory of friends and loved ones. Among those honored with gifts in memorial for 2022 were for

“My parents”

Dori Murray

May Belle Davison

Dan Press

Gail Kennedy’s husband, Scott Allison

“My mother, Pauline”

William Curtis Ridge

Cary DeYoung

Gifts given in honor of friends or family

Donors were also given the opportunity to make gifts in honor of someone. Among those honored with a gift in their name for 2022 were:

Jane Stevens

Carolyn Rich Curtis

Ellen Goldstein

“Carey Sipp and Cissy White, as well as all of the other amazing people I’ve met through PACEs Connection”

Jim Sporleder

Why did people give?

Many donors shared a reason for their giving. Among reasons listed were:

Your work fuels ours. We need each other. Thank you from the CRC Network in Central Florida.

You do amazing work and I am very happy to help support it!

I appreciate the work of ACEs Connection in keeping us informed about the progress that is made in understanding and mitigating the impact of trauma.  Your work helps us to better serve kids and families!!

Bless you for the work you are doing, Jane!

I much appreciate your work, as a small group of us are looking to put boots on the ground to support this work...take care and thanks for all you do!!!!!

PACEs Connection is pure brilliance! More than any other resource I know, it has united and accelerated the trauma-informed care movement to be a public health powerhouse for change. Thank you for everything you do!!!

Happy Birthday Jane! Thank you for ALL you have done, and continue to do!

Thank you for all you do.  Your work has helped me out so much, both professionally and personally. :-)

Learning about ACEs helped me understand so many things about myself and has helped me in my advocacy work with others like me.  Thank you!

PACES Connection has made it possible to share my work and my passion for revolutionizing the way we think about and address human needs.  It has an incredible community of humans that support the work - in the organization and around the globe.  So grateful to have this space to commune with you all!  Thank you!

Thank you SO much to the PC staff for the incredible work you do. You’re changing the world!

To keep PACES Connection as a vital source of connection.

I love PACES Connection - read every item I get - and often share some each day!  Can't imagine life w/o you!

Thank you to members who have donated over the last three years!

We at PACEs Connection are grateful to you, our members, with whom we share a common and profound purpose… to create a healthier world for all its creatures, including us!

Kerrie Ackerson

Melissa Adamchik

Sue Adams

Christina Algeciras

Frank Alix

Rachel Allen

Kristen Allott

Rika Alvo

Cathy Anthofer-Fialon

Allison Asahina

Sofiya Asedrem

Natalie Audage

Keith Bailey

Skye Baloo

Theresa Barilla

Maxine Barish-Wreden

Joe Barnhart

David Belford

Felicia Bellows

Risa Bernasconi

Deanna Berry

Christina Bethell

Marcia Black

Sally Blackwood

Deborah Bock

Patty Boorn

Carissa Boram

Dale Bordelon

Lynn Boyd

Sally Braffman

Robyn Brickel

Steven Brown

Christine Brugler

Rebecca Bryan

Laura Budd

Ruth Burcaw

Tami Buroker

Denise Busley

Cristina Buss

Jennifer Butcher

Barbara Cady

Nabiha Calcuttawala

Joan Caley

Linda Calvert PhD

Nicole Canfield

Margaret Casey

Joni Cash

Kimberley Cheatham

El Chess

Peter Chiavetta

Gioia Chilton

Roberta C Churchilll

Hollis Clapp

David Clarke

Karen Clemmer

Ingrid Cockhren

Robin Cogan

Amanda Coggin

Julie Cohen

Kathleen Cole

Vic Compher

Katie Conrad

Charity Cornet-Barnhart

David Cote

Dale Coupland

Dianne Couts

Stephanie Covington

Ali Crandall

Shannon Criniti

Terri Crowe

Donna Culver

Carolyn Curtis

Amy Cyr

Becky Dale

Emily Daniels

Ramona Danielson

Margaret Davies

Bo Dean

Susan Delucchi

Kristin Dempsey

Laura Dennis

Matthew Devereaux

Betty Devine

Suzy DeYoung

Carolyn Dixon

Carol Dolan

Lori Dorfman

Doreen Downs

Jennifer Drake-Croft

Steven Dudas

Sheri Eastridge

Adrienne B. Elder

William Emmet

James Encinas

Nathan Epps

Nina Esaki

Amy Fairchild

Michael Fasher

Tracy Fauver

Joel Fein

Vincent Felitti

Samantha Ferguson

Kara Fery

Barb Finch

Ellen Fink-Samnick

Sebern Fisher

Kaliopee Fiske

Mike Flaningam

Rose Fonseca

Lori Fougerousse

Barbara J Franco

Janet and Louis Frase

Lisa Frederiksen

Christopher Freeze

Allan & Carola Friesen

Kassie Gada

Esther Gilbert

Laura Gilchrist

Heather Gillis

Mary Giuliani

Glenmede Trust

Jeoffry Gordon

Winifred Gordon

Betsy Goulet

Jessie Graham

Rebecca Green

Stephanie Guinosso

Archana Gupta

Patti Gurney

Becky Haas

Lois Hall

Courtney Ham

Tim Hamming

Ross Hargis

Louise Hart

Ivan Haskell

Caitlin Haun

Mary Hawks

Ginger Healy

Sam Henry

Leah Hill

Christine Hoepfner

Lisa Hofmeister

Laura Hogan

Joy Hohnstine

Alicia Homrich

Asha Immanuelle

Hannah Ingber

Tasneem Ismailji

Sabahat Ismailji

George Jagatic

Amit Janco

Martina Jelley

Carrie Jensen

Karen Johnson

Linda Kauffer

Gail Kennedy

Nicole Kilburg

Asli Kivion

Gai Klass

Dena Klein

Judy Knapp

Betsy Knight

Geoff Knott

Carol Koepp

Melanie Krevitz

Richard Krugman

Mary Lambert

Michelle Lau

Erika Leaf

Leslie Leff

Rebecca Lemanski

Yuko Leong

Fitzroy Lewis

Leslie Lieberman

Rene Line

Judith Lipson

Kathleen Lisson

Alison Lobb

Sharon Lockhart-Carter

Kim Lodewyk

Katherine Lucatorto

Jenn Lynn-Whaley

Richard Krugman

Harriet Mall, Ph.D.

Lynda Mallory

Linda Manaugh

Maria Manna

Regina McCarthy

Brigid McCaw

Craig McEwen

Janyne McConnaughey

Laura McGurn

Madison McHugh

Edward McKinley

Stephanie McNerney

Elizabeth Meeker

Elaine Miller-Karas

Michael Mitchell

Christine Moran

Monica Morehead

Deborah Morrison

Debra Morse

Lynn Mumma

Simon Mundy

Erin Myers

Amie Myrick

Jennifer Nanda

Gretchen Nash-Gardner

Gail Neely Kolbeck

Allen Nishikawa

Christine Noble-Power

Rebecca Parton

Tina Pearson

Nanci Perocchi

Janet Peters

Sarah Peyton

Amber Pierce

Laura Pinhey

Laura Piscitello

Melanie Pollard

Dan & Cherie Porter

Janet Pozmantier

Heather Preston

Elizabeth Prewitt

Cherry Price

Donielle Prince

Cherri Pruitt

Carlene Przykucki

Shannon Qualls

Robert Quinn

Jenna Quinn

Michelle Quinn

Julie Raboin

Rardin Foundation

Heather Ralph

Ashlynn Ramirez

Lisa Reagan

Kay Reed

Donn Reid

Mary Clare Reidy

Eve Robinson

Teri Rowan

Randi Rubenstein

Patricia Rush

Myra Sabir

Melissa Sadin

Noel Schwartz

Herschel and Noel Schwartz

Calista Scott

Shay Seaborne

Sabrina Shane

Sherri Sharkins

Lynn Sharpe Underwood

Stephen Silha

Carey Sipp

Margaret Sipple

Wendie Skala

Ellen Smith

John Soghigian

Donald Spachman

Elaine Spicer

Jim Sporleder

Dustin Springer

Cendie Stanford

Nancy Staycer

Stephanie Steen

Don Steffen

Harise Stein

Maurean Stephenson

Becky Stern

Jane Stevens

Audrey Stillerman

Wendy Stokesbary

Trevor Storrs

Jean Sullivan

Susan Tarasevich

Martha Teeter

Eulanda Thorne

Deanne Tibbitts

Minerva Tico

Jeanie Tietjen

Deb Timmerman

Beth Tolley

Magda Underdown-DuBois

Beth Usher

Adriana van Altvorst

Anne VandeBerg

Morgan Vien

Katerina Vlahos

Wendy Wade

Sarah H Waite

Jim Wall

Ingre Walters

Sandy Washburn

Teri Wellbrock

Tim Wheatley

Tom and Carol Wheeler

Candace White

Cissy White

Karen White

Sue Fort White

Sarah Wilkinson

Alicia Williams

Laneita Williamson

Bickley Wilson

Emily Wilson

Renée Wilson-Simmons

Steve Wirtz, PhD

Bill Wood

Jodi Woydziak

Sanghoon Yoo

Nada Yorke

Kinika Young

Mara Ziegler

Member fundraising is an ongoing endeavor. To make your gift or monthly pledge, Cockhren encourages fellow members of PACEs Connection to join her and make a generous, tax-deductible donation to PACEs Connection here.

If mail iconyou'd prefer to mail your gift rather than give it online, here's how:

Make check payable to:

TSNE (Third Sector New England, our fiscal sponsor) and write PACEs Connection Donation on the memo line.

Mail check to:

PACEs Connection,

c/o TSNE, 89 South Street

Suite 700

Boston, MA 02111

information iconMaking a wire transfer or need Tax ID information?

Please contact Carey Sipp, Director of Strategic Partnerships, at

Please visit here for a listing of our funders and partners, and to learn how  you or your organization can join our movement as a funder or partner.


Images (8)
  • Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.20.37 PM: Lois Hall
  • Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.21.06 PM: Cissy White and Robin Cogan
  • Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.21.26 PM: Jeoffry Gordon
  • Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.21.56 PM: Peter Chiavetta
  • Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.22.13 PM: Renee Wilson-Simons (r) with author Nadine Burke Harris
  • Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.22.43 PM: Jane Stevens and Vincent Felitti
  • Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.22.28 PM: Sofiya Asedrem
  • Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.23.01 PM: Lisa Hofmeister and family

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