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PACEsConnection adds the role of ‘Trauma-Informed Education Consultant’ to their organization


It is with great excitement and enthusiasm that I have accepted the position at PACEsConnection as their full time Trauma-Informed Education Consultant. I have been with PACEsConnection since 2018 in the role of Community Facilitator, supporting cross-sector resilience initiatives in Southern California, managing the PACEs in Education site, and tending to education related topics as time allowed. The dream has always been, even before I started working here in an official role, to have someone be able to focus on education related issues for the organization full time. That dream has now been realized. Schools and the education system as a whole are so central to the lives of families and communities, it is a vital area of focus. If we want communities to be healthy, resilient, healing, and trauma-informed spaces then our schools must be as well.

My personal ‘why’, my passion, has always been education. More specifically disrupting our current system and building a humanizing and human-centered education system where all feel safe physically, psychologically, and emotionally. An environment and culture where all are valued, seen, loved, and heard. A place where adults and youth feel a deep sense of belonging and connection. It is these values and vision for schools that I bring to my work here at PACEsConnection. I had the very fortunate experience to attend a public school that embodied these values as well as to teach in a similar environment. I have championed these ideals in every education space I have worked in and will continue to do so. I wrote more about my experience in education both as a student and a teacher in a previous blog.

Along with my experiences as a student and a teacher in what we would identify as ‘trauma-informed’ schools I bring decades of experience in school environments at the local, state and national level. I have worked at the state level, in charge of homeless education and school improvement in Wisconsin. I have worked in the non-profit sector guiding school transformation and developing community schools in Los Angeles. All of these experiences inform my current efforts to guide the national conversation.

Public schools are a uniquely unifying experience in the United States, and much of the developed world. It is an experience that most people have had, whether positive or negative. As laid bare by the pandemic schools are often the center of support for families, providing safe spaces during and after the school day allowing parents to work, providing access to food, and linkages to health and mental health care. Schools have the power to be the great equalizer, the champion of equity and justice, the center of community, the foundation of our democracy. Too often they have been retraumatizing and trauma-inducing institutions, perpetuating injustice, and symbolizing hurt and harm. Think of all of our movie tropes about the pain inflicted by being in school. So as the saying goes “with great power comes great responsibility”, with the amazing potential and power schools have to transform lives and communities we must rise to this responsibility collectively.

I have been very encouraged lately by the rise in Healing Centered Schools, you can check out examples in Chicago Public Schools and the Bronx. This is the future of the movement.

Our mission at PACEsConnection is ‘A resilient world where all people thrive’, and so it is as well with education- a resilient education system where all people thrive. I welcome your participation, your thoughts and ideas, this has to be a collective effort. I am truly excited about where this adventure will take us.

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Hi Lara (and Jane),

I applaud the name change from ACEs, ADVERSE Childhood Experiences, to PACES, POSITIVE & Adverse Childhood Experiences, but it must be noted that there is an inherent positive/negative bias implying those suffering ACEs are lacking and less-than, requiring PCEs to be made well, okay, and "good."

When we experience either ACEs or PCEs, as CHILDREN our brains change.

When we experience Adv.Exp.'s or Pos.Exp.'s in Childhood, our brains morph - of course they do, we are children, and children's brains are always growing - meaning their brains don't as much morph from one form to another as grow differently, right? Wrong - Not actually: In both child and adult the changes that occur, occur by neuroGeneration and neuroDegeneration.

Less expected is that as ADULTS our brains also change.

When we experience Adv.Exp.'s or Pos.Exp.'s in our Adulthood, our brains morph - of course, as adults our brains are not growing as fast as when we were children, but neurons in adult brains are always having to grow to learn and adapt as well as to replace a major portion of those brain cells that are constantly dying as one ages - in children this paring-back is called senescence.

Again, the processes in both adult and child are nearly identical, given the many differences between young and old. Not just children's brains, it turns out,, can be very plastic and able to grow new neurons - so although adult's brains aren't always growing, still, in both child and adult the changes that occur, occur by neuroGeneration and neuroDegeneration.

In adults of various ages it may be instructive to compare how age affects ones brain plasticity to how age affects ones ability to gain or lose muscle mass. Keep in mind though, how fairly-fast in both adult and child that our muscles can respond to external stimuli and physically change in response to use or lack of use. This is happening to all of us all of the time - to both our muscles and our brains from infant to ancient.

(1) If one experiences ACEs it is important to understand that these experiences neither damage one nor heal one, instead based on and because of these experiences it is important to fully understand and grasp that you are perfectly adapted to the way the world really is. You are p-e-r-f-e-c-t-l-y adapted to your environment - YOU genuinely are, no B.S., really a-r-e PERFECT.

(2) If one experiences PCEs it is important to understand that these experiences neither damage one nor heal one, instead based on and because of these experiences it is important to fully understand and grasp that you are perfectly adapted to the way the world really is. You are p-e-r-f-e-c-t-l-y adapted to your environment - YOU genuinely, no B.S., really a-r-e PERFECT.

(3) When one experiences EXTREME LEVELS of EITHER ACEs or PCEs not only are the resulting physical changes, as one would reasonably expect, also equally extreme - the physical and behavioral changes to how one perceives the world are IDENTICAL. I-d-e-n-t-i-c-a-l.

These changes vary between individuals only by degree, not in form or direction which is as unvarying as the number of heads most people have, and for the same reason, we all share a largely similar basic biology.

Just as one with extreme ACEs can be helped to better monitor ones own behaviors, thoughts, feelings and emotions-the same applies to those "suffering" from extreme PCEs. BOTH extreme ACEs & extreme PCEs exposure results in adaptation to this exposure by changing how one processes information: tending to focus more on near term issues than distant ones; more reactive to threat; more focused on self-interest versus group-interest; more obeisant to authority figures, etcettera.

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WHY THIS IS SO IMPORTANT - Here is a real-world example of how a proper understanding of ourselves can help us in making better decisions:

I'm in communication with all 67 school districts in Florida. They are bringing down the CPAC-led Governors that are destroying schools & killing people.

My school district of Broward County, 6th largest in US, started the mask rebellion in FL & nationwide, I I'm proud to say. We've been in the national news quite a bit the past few weeks.

On CSPAN this morning (Aug 30) I spoke to the Pres. of Am. Soc. of Pediatrics regarding fact that to promote natural herd immunity in students to increase a populations herd immunity (by culling the sick & elderly) is the textbook dictionary definition of Eugenic GENOCIDE - Period.

It is INEVITABLE that over time HISTORIANS will criminalize Desantis in FL, Trump & Abbott in TX down as being guilty of mass murder & crimes against humanity. INEVITABLE! Desantis will put pedal to the metal as he nears the COVID Cliff and he'll keep it pressed down as he goes over the edge, the whole way down because in his eyes, knowing this inevitability if he doesn't prove COVID a farce, it is an issue of his LEGACY or our LIVES. Period.

46 million children in the US cannot be vaccinated - that is a very big petri dish for a next Desantis-variant. Sigh.

Following is the most recent of a series of correspondences. Broward has a new superintendent and this was sent to the Chair of our Broward School Board and the superintendent both, although perhaps a bit confusingly, refers to the superintendent in the third person...

Is being bullied over masks distracting us from the need to partially or fully be closing our schools, especially the earlier grades?

- BULLYING & RACISM (Colorism) -

This Covid disaster is ALL ABOUT RACE, ELITISM & a deep EUGENIC BIAS that is born of two central False-Science core Beliefs;

(A) That Evolution optimizes, this is False, it does Not, and;

(B) That evolution optimizes by competition, this is also False. Evolutionary success as survival & adaptation is more reliant on Cooperation than on Competition.

This "Bigger Picture" matters. Here is Why -

Bullied brains don't just think differently, they ARE different - our brains are hard-wired to change & morph dramatically and quickly to real-time potential threats to ones life, threats like whenever one suffers being bullied and abused.

Understanding why we have difficulties seeing the big picture, matters.

Our brains being under a constant state of flux, like in this COVID disaster, can make seeing the big-picture difficult to near-impossible in real-time.

We know that early Adverse childhood Experiences, ACEs cause the developing brain to adapt to the way the world really is, and to see things differently. Some things become invisible, others can be greatly enlarged, core values alter, who we are is altered. This biological response is not limited to children - adult brains are also incredibly plastic.

News Flash: ACEs has recently been renamed PACEs - Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences.

- This was the ACE communities (leadership & pres. Jane really) response to having it pointed out that Positive SUCCESS adapts (morphs, shrinks, grows, physically changes shape, alters) the BRAINS of Child (and Adult!) every bit AS MUCH as Negative ABUSE.

How ones perceptions are altered are IDENTICAL! In both cases, negative and positive, one will, completely unaware, change to focus on & be more reactive, and; more responsive to self v. group; to near v. far; to fast v. slow; to authoritan v. consensenus; to see things as black or white versus gray, etcettera.

Note that these changes are the very things that we believe literally define "who" we are. Yet - "Poof" significant change can occur quickly in both child and adult, mere days and weeks.

When change is also happening to those surrounding one, ones social group, this can dramatically increase both the speed of the change and how invisibile the change is to oneself Indeed, we humans are by far the MOST SOCIAL animal on the planet, not even ants come close. We cooperate in extended social groups of billions ones! These changes are BEHAVIORALLY TRANSMITTED. ones social group and oneself all completely unawares.

This is happening right now to our new Broward County, Florida, superintendent, Dr. Cartwright, fyi.

Our brains morph so quickly and so severely in fact, that I suspect it may amost no longer still be possible to ask Dr.. Cartwright if she can see that she is making decisions now that would surprise an earlier version of herself, an imaginary copy made prior to her jumping into our boiling pot of water here in Broward. We should ask her - Soon - She may still be able to see herself in the actual process of changing from one way of seeing the world to another, straddling the fence - and her being able to see this change and to understand the biological forces driving it - may hopefully confer to her a larger perspective and increased degree of free-will in bringing about positive change (to end harmful biologically-driven cycles and invisible eugenic biases) here in Broward in fighting the libertarian-extremist eugenic genocide against the young, old, poor, and ill of Florida as he seeks to salvage his Legacy at the cost, so far, of tens of thousands of lives lost here in Florida that were preventable but for his intentional actions, as recorded on video in many speeches, to increase natural (herd) immunity in students by keeping schools open and not allowing mask or vaccine mandates, etcettera.

We have all at one time or another joked about growing up and changing into people as adults that we'd hardly recognize, or worse, be ashamed or disgusted at becoming. Our superintendent Mrs. Cartwright is even now ignoring hard data indicating schools must close NOW - Data that a mere two months ago she'd have grabbed up as a sword & shield to use waging mortal battle, her own life aside, against anyone saying otherwise. We have cute ways to joke about this invisible, unwanted & unasked-for brain morphing, such as saying we are just "being reasonable," "seeing both sides as equal," and "rationalizing." Sigh.



Many congrats!  We plunge ahead!  However, it's not just in the schools and social work that this role is needed.  In my work with business leaders, I spend time educating them re: their need to be a trauma informed individual in leading their teams and organizations.  Perhaps the next step is a similar role in business organizations!

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