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Parent Handouts: Understanding ACEs, Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs (English)


Please see the main post for these parent handouts in the ACEs Connection Resources Center.

Here are links for downloading these two parent handouts.  

UA 1UA 2

Understanding ACEs

screenshot PWA1PWA 2

Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs

Here's the original blog post with older and newly updated versions of handouts.


Images (4)
  • UA 2
  • UA 1
  • PWA 2
  • screenshot PWA1

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Adrienne Gilbert posted:

Cissy and Carey, THANK YOU!! This may be a big ASK, but/and, is there a Spanish version of this hand-out that was just shared, and if not, does ACEs connection work with a "resident translator" that could help with this?




Not a big ask! Translated versions are coming thanks to Family Hui. We will post as soon as they are available!!! Cis

Cissy White (ACEs Connection Staff) posted:


you are do kind and generous and exuberant! Given your marketing know how and knowledge of ACEs, that is high praise! I’m so glad they are useful. Cis 

Just had request from a CM to email them to her for a presentation; I’d posted them on LinkedIn, and plan to tweet them. 

Ya know, I wish we had β€œParenting with ACEs during the holidays” and an β€œACEs and the Holidays” version of these. I can think of these for 

ACEs and grief

ACEs and financial trouble

ACEs and menopause

ACEs and addiction 

and on and on and on and on of one-sheets that could be so helpful in so many situations. We could think of hundreds. And that is WHY ACEs Connection is so awesome: yep, it would be great to have the one-sheets. AND for every topic named we can search and find multiple articles here, on the site, I bet.  We don’t have to be alone; and we don’t have to solve the problem without benefit of the experience, strength, and hope of others. 

That’s a big, β€œI’m grateful for that,” this Thanksgiving, yes? 


Thanks, Cis! 

Love you.


These are among the most useful tools for explaining ACEs and Resilience sciences I have ever seen. Thank you so much for creating them, having them produced so beautifully. I am so, so proud to share these with groups, to email them far and wide! 

Grateful for them, ACEs Connection, you, and that we get to share this information that is making such a difference in helping to prevent and heal ACEs, build resilience!


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