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Parenting tips on semi-truck trailers

Three in ten semi-truck trailers have no graphics on their sides.  Just 53 feet of blank white space.  This is because they are owned by leasing companies and owner/operators who don't have a business or product to promote.  Now imagine these parenting tips and forty-four others on the sides of these trailers crisscrossing the United States!!!  Semi 1Semi 3Semi 19Semi 33Semi 47This is one of Advancing Parenting's goals.

AP will partner with the Advertising Council and manufacturers so trailers role off the assembly line with a parenting tip on each side!!!  This will take millions of dollars so if you know of any deep pocket donors let me know.

This is the kind of powerful, proactive, passive/public parenting education that will prevent adverse childhood experiences.  Visit


Images (5)
  • Semi 1
  • Semi 3
  • Semi 19
  • Semi 33
  • Semi 47

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Cissy, the tips can be read on our website,  It's not a comprehensive list...just hits the basics, and they're not set in stone.  I do add tips and adjust wording from time to time. 

As to whether the tips include awareness of why parents struggle, I'd have to say, no.  Unless they're struggling because they're not engaging in parenting behaviors and practices generally recognized as supporting the healthy development of children.

The tips did not come from one source.  There's no lack of wonderful parenting resources.  Bookstores are filled with parenting texts.  Organizations and agencies put out awesome material.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics all publish outstanding parenting information.  I would usually read an article or text and then condense the recommendations into concise and unambiguous tips.

Again, thank you for the kind words and encouragement.

Last edited by David Dooley

Hi David: 

I shared this post over on Parenting with ACEs.

I have to admit that as a person and as a parent, I don't respond that well to unsolicited advice and some of these feel like I'm being scolded or judged. Not all parents marry. Not all parents are a mom and a dad. Do the quotes ever include awareness of why parents struggle or of ACEs, etc.? 

However, all parents are different and what makes us feel supported, reminded and centered and helps us anchor down into our wisest selves is so very different. This might make someone feel reconnected to their aspirations whereas for me it  might make me feel shut down or irked.

What I love about this community though is we don't all have to agree on everything to share. And I'm a big believer of thinking we need all types of approaches, all voices and from as many people as possible.

I think using public and blank spaces, sides of trucks and backs of cars IS BRILLIANT! So thanks for sharing and I'd love to know more about how the messages are chosen, created and crafted and if/how ACEs science informs the approach. 

I'm thinking more and more all of the time of how parents can connect with and reach other parents and am inspired by the work you've already done and are doing.


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