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Parents & Students Together: Coping with a Full House During Crisis & Reflections on Current National Climate []


From The Steve Fund, June 3, 2020

COVID-19 and the current national climate on race has changed the dynamics in many households. Sheltering-in is not easy in the best of circumstances, but it can be especially difficult for parents that have their college student(s) come home unexpectedly. Our panelists explore how they as parents are coping and embracing a full house again. They will share how starting new traditions have helped them build bonds with their children. Managing the mental health and well-being of disappointed children is always hard, but what about when the situation is out of everyone’s control? How can a parent help their child, who is now technically an adult, maintain their independence while still following the rules of the house? As we know, there are two sides to every story. The Steve Fund asked the panelists to invite their children to participate and provide their perspectives. This should generate very interesting and sometimes humorous dialogue. All of our panelists have their own unique story to tell, and they will help provide insights on how to make the most of a challenging situation. Ultimately they want to come out on the other side of this pandemic with stronger and more loving relationships.

[Please click here to read more.]

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