Under cover of darkness, one of Britain’s best-known politicians and a small group of his powerful associates would gather in a clearing in the forest to systematically abuse girls as young as 6, according to allegations by a woman who says she is one of the survivors.
Esther Baker, now 32, tells The Daily Beast that a senior lord and a man who was later elected as a member of parliament were among her attackers. Baker says their faces haunt her nightmares to this day, and she lives with the fear that she might be murdered to prevent her giving evidence.
The alleged abuse was perpetrated by groups of around six or seven men, including police officers, usually with a similar number of victims. Sometimes, she says, it took place among the trees on Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, Central England, on other occasions it was at less formal “parties” in private houses.
The lord, who was a household name in Britain at the time, was allegedly the most brutal, as well as the most powerful, of the attackers.
[For more of this story, written by Nico Hines, go to http://www.thedailybeast.com/a...e-victim-speaks.html]
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