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Partnering for Excellence Joins ACEs Connection!


Partnering For Excellence is excited to join ACEs Connection!

Benchmarks' Partnering for Excellence (PFE) is an initiative in North Carolina which aims to align the Mental/Behavioral Health System and Child Welfare System to create better outcomes for children and families whom have experienced trauma and are now involved with the Department of Social Services.

The Partnering for Excellence Model is able to assists these  systems and others in collaborating to form trauma-informed partnerships, practices, cultures, and communities. We see that this preventative "upstream" approach enables more effective recognition and treatment of trauma. Resulting in  decreased out-of-home placements, reduced need for "higher-end" behavioral/mental health services, decreased likelihood of system re-entry, and ultimately, improved well-being outcomes for children and families.

In addition to the work we do with systems, Partnering for Excellence works to increase the level of trauma informed-ness, awareness, and responsiveness within the communities we serve. We do this through providing trainings to communities and systems on the impact of trauma on brain development, the impact of secondary traumatic stress, trauma-informed practices, and ACEs.

Partnering for Excellence is so excited to be joining this network of trauma-informed rock stars from across the globe!

We look forward to learning, growing, and sharing our work, lessons, success, and resources with all of you!

To find out more about Partnering for Excellence, take a look at the link below!

Be on the look-out for updates regarding PFE's 2017 Conference and our "Hmmm...This is Interesting" Info-blasts!

--Partnering For Excellence





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