Roughly 30% of adults with attention-deficit disorder (ADD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were physically abused as children, new research shows.
Investigators from the University of Toronto in Canada found that the likelihood of ADD/ADHD was about 7 times higher in those who reported a history of physical abuse before age 18 years.
"Only 7.2% of those without ADD/ADHD reported childhood physical abuse, in sharp contrast to 29.6% of those with ADD/ADHD," the researchers, led by Esme Fuller-Thomson, PhD, report.
"This strong association between abuse and ADD/ADHD was not explained by differences in demographic characteristics or other early adversities experienced by those who had been abused," Dr. Fuller-Thomson said in a statement.
The study was published online March 3 in the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma.
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