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Physical Activity May Boost School Performance, Especially for Boys []


Children might do better in school if they're more physically active, a new study suggests.


Researchers assessed the activity levels and reading and math skills of 186 Finnish children in grades 1 to 3.


The study authors, from the University of Eastern Finland, report a link between higher levels of physical activity at recess and better reading skills, and a connection between participation in organized sports and higher math test scores.


In particular, boys with higher levels of physical activity -- especially walking and bicycling to and from school -- had better reading skills than less active boys, according to the research team.


[For more of this story go to]



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Originally Posted by Samantha Sangenito:


Children might do better in school if they're more physically active, a new study suggests.


Researchers assessed the activity levels and reading and math skills of 186 Finnish children in grades 1 to 3.


The study authors, from the University of Eastern Finland, report a link between higher levels of physical activity at recess and better reading skills, and a connection between participation in organized sports and higher math test scores.


In particular, boys with higher levels of physical activity -- especially walking and bicycling to and from school -- had better reading skills than less active boys, according to the research team.


[For more of this story go to]


Physical activity sounds good and like a wonderful alternative to Respiradol for ADHD and aggression.  When I get particularly angry about something when I actually do force myself to get on my treadmill... (an anectdote) ... boy do I feel less scattered, less angry, less aggitated etc......

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