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Poem - Not Quite a Blog..

Christine "Cissy" White is probably a familiar name to most of you. If not, check out her wonderful writing which was and is totally inspiring to me. I first "met" her through the Parenting With ACEs site - wonderfully written in her own authentic voice.  It was her writing that made me consider the possibility of writing in my authentic voice as well and led me to eventually post several blogs. Then, at the December MARC Convening in Philadelphia, I  met Cissy in person. I shared with her that she was the reason I decided to write Blogs for ACEs.  We talked about writing and I confessed that although I love to write in general, it was poetry that is most comfortable and natural for me.  She then said something along the lines of - "well, then, post one of your poems!" So I am. Thank you Cissy - thank you for encouraging me to take this next step.

I really want to write a description or disclaimer before posting this, but - oh well..I think I"ll just jump right in.

What Didn't I Get From You?

What I didn't get from you:
The picket fence of safety
Coming home to the same front door
year after year
month after month
day after day.
But you were following Dad's lead
as his twin planet
how could that have been different?
The safety tho - letting me in on
that little secret
that the world is not always a safe place
for little children
for your little girl
maybe would have helped - I mean
having that reality conversation.
But then, your mom kept her own
and you didn't ask her either.
So then, shhh... finger to lips
you didn't tell me and I didn't tell you.
Roots of a place weren't real
I grew up everywhere and nowhere
Still have that in me
not quite touching the earth.
Easy talk was not ours
no girl talk - learned on my own
living in my head
not knowing my heart.
Every straight line
became a question mark.

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I read this over and over because it's SO packed and there are so many lines. You captured that floating, untethered, not grounded or insecure vulnerability. "twin planet" as a parent. WOW. And there are so many lines that stand utterly alone as well as all together.  

"you didn't tell me and I didn't tell you."


"Roots of a place weren't real
I grew up everywhere and nowhere
Still have that in me
not quite touching the earth."

"Easy talk was not ours
no girl talk - learned on my own
living in my head
not knowing my heart."

"Every straight line
became a question mark."

It made me teary-eyed to read this. Your AUTHENTIC voice is NEEDED. That voice, in all of us, is so important and it's often the one we hold back. That's why I LOVE expressive writing so much (and bonus that it helps ease traumatic stress symptoms). When Peter Elbow was teaching writing classes he used the free-writing style to warm up the class and found instead of a warm-up it was actually what created the best writing because it was not the writing of trying to impress, sound smart, be deep or light, but just someone's true and authentic voice without filters, judgements, censoring. So often, we don't get to hear that in our own selves or in others. And if we've had ACEs, that voice can be so distant because it wasn't mirrored/affirmed/nurtured or requested.

THANK YOU for this post, for the poem, but also for that meeting in December. I admire ALL of your work and leadership in the trauma-informed / ACEs movement.  Despite my passion and need for writing, I doubt and qualify my writing and voice as well. So to hear that when I don't do that actually matters and inspired you just makes me emotional in the best way. It's a gift. THANK YOU! WE need your voice, your experiences, your words, IN ALL FORMS. And if you are writing in the voice and tone most comfortable for you - YOU GIFT US AND REACH US. What I love here at ACEs Connection is we are an open platform and we share studies, essays, articles, ideas, insights, struggles and we do so in our own voices. EVERYONE is WELCOME to POST. 

Also, it's SO NECESSARY to this work we do. Because as a mom with ACEs, I can say that the all head and not knowing my heart and not being grounded, embodied and rooted, when I became a parent was BAM. That conflict IMMEDIATELy was like, "Uh oh... All I did and needed and used to survive, distance, numbing, compulsive busyness, checking out, drowning in cards or fill-in-the-blank was going to be of no use to attaching, attuning, attending, responding and I learning how to live with feet on the ground... STILL a challenge. So, I'm going to share this over at Parenting with ACEs too because it stirred the Parenting with ACEs part of me as well as the writer. And also in Practicing Resilience because THIS IS PRACTICAL RESILIENCE and self-care and healing and relationship-building

And also, I think writing from our deepest and most authentic voice also helps others who are doing this work who do not have shared experiences. Because what people think the issues or struggles or complexities are, often aren't what the actual issues, struggles and complexities are. And sometimes a poem can show that or drive it home when delivered with a study or research or sometimes it speaks entirely for itself and is so clear as this poem is. THANK YOU.

KEEP writing. Keep sharing. And share some images of your art work as well. It's all THE WORK and your unique voice is a beautiful blessing. THANK YOU for sharing YOUR most natural and authentic voice. Cis

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