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Postpartum Mental Illness: Ability to Soothe Baby Helps Mothers Most (Child in Mind Blog Post)

Fascinating research at the Yale School of Medicine shows that in poor families who are under-resourced and overburdened (a more meaningful phrase replacing "high-risk,") "diaper need" or lack of reliable access to clean diapers, is the factor that most impacts on mothers' mental health...When mothers were worried about when they would be able to get the next diaper, self esteem was diminished in the face of their inability to soothe their baby, in turn negatively impacting their relationship with their baby, setting the stage for a downward spiral...A second broader implication is the remarkable finding of how much the baby's well being impacts on the mother's mental health.


To read the full blog and learn more about how diaper availability or lack thereof can impact the incidences of postpartum depression for new mothers, go to the "Child In Mind" blog found at http://claudiamgoldmd.blogspot...ness-ability-to.html


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