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Poverty Cited as Possible Cause of Growing Life Expectancy Gap Between Black and White Women []

He says the analysis painting Wisconsin as the only state with a growing gap between blacks and whites is yet another illustration of the challenges many black people here face, such as “poverty, unemployment, chronic stress and low educational attainment.”

According to Swain, social and economic circumstances exert a powerful impact on health and longevity.

The study did not cite reasons for life expectancy changes, but it follows a report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. It ranked Wisconsin last, when it comes to the well-being of minority children. Magda Peck wants the numbers to poke leaders and residents. Peck is a professor and founding dean of UW-Milwaukee’s School of Public Health.

“I’m hoping that this will cause greater curiosity, greater urgency, greater collaboration and a greater sense that we must work better together to translate these data into action,” Peck says.

[For more of this story, written by Ann-Elise Henzl, go to]

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And I believe the poverty link, if you look at absolute income levels per individual cuts through ethnicity in America... It become extreme poverty as the deciding factor. I have the poverty rates for Michigan (most recent) from our state demographer..... after I inquired in huge excel files.  They are hard to interpret at times due to small sample size in rural areas.  But It does appear that extreme poverty (as in the M-line article you published yesterday) links to differences in all kinds of outcomes including our rural white extreme infant mortality rate (have those statistics too).... it isn't really black vs white... but how likely you were born into poverty like another article you posted from research with folks in Baltimore that you posted today and the likelihood you can escape.  

Metaphorically if you are a black or a white mosquito and you land in a spider web.... the spider doesn't care your color.... the only thing important is your resources to escape before you are eaten. 

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