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Practitioner Resilience Sessions - Strategies for an Energized and Effective Healthcare Workforce []


Title: Literary Explorations of Well-Being in Challenging Times

Summary: During this unprecedented year of challenges, health care practitioners have faced inordinate and unexpected stressors and transitions in health care delivery and team-based care. This series of six one-hour interactive and participatory sessions will provide an opportunity for self- and group reflection on what has and continues to sustain us in our professional and personal lives. We will weave our conversation with attention to mindfulness practices and other strategies to take care of oneself and others, and will intentionally draw from narrative medicine practices to deepen and share self-reflections on core themes such as altruism, courage, mindfulness, loss, nature, empathy, community and others.


  • Be able to articulate the personal impacts of providing health and mental health care during a pandemic.
  • Be able to draw from medical humanities and mindfulness-based approach in health care provision and self-care.
  • Deepen their connection with others in articulating best practices for resilience and well-being.

Resiliency Sessions: To accommodate your schedules, various times are offered throughout the series. Providers can drop in for one or more sessions as needed. We look forward to seeing you there!

About our Facilitator:

Dr. Jeffrey Ring is a health psychologist, author, speaker and consultant working on projects related to health equity, medical education, integrated whole-person care and medical leadership. He served as the Director of Behavioral Sciences and Cultural Medicine at the Family Medicine Residency Program at White Memorial Medical Center in East Los Angeles where he taught mind-body medicine and doctor-patient communication. Dr. Ring has extensive clinical experience with health practitioner resilience and vitality through teaching, consultation and retreats. In 2016, Dr. Ring taught mindfulness in Spanish to approximately 1400 farm and agricultural workers in the Central Valley region of California.

For questions, please email Melen Vue or Lupe Wong.

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