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These PowerPoints, videos and webinars focus on the ACE Study,and trauma-informed and resilience-building practices. They are available for anyone to use. To be useful for ACEsConnection members, this list strives to point out the best presentations; it's not meant to be all-inclusive. We welcome additions! If you have other presentations that you'd like to see added to this list, send the link in a message to Jane Stevens, ACEsConnection manager.


Sections Index (scroll down to access):

  1. Presentation slides (PDF or PowerPoint formats)
  2. Videos
  3. Webinars



1. Presentation slides (PDF or PowerPoint formats)

Strong Communities Raise Strong Kids (PPT) - Arizona Regional Child Abuse Prevention Councils (2011) put this PowerPoint together and has been showing it to dozens of communities across the state. Reviews ACE Study, brain research, cost consequences of not preventing ACES, and how families and communities can build resilience factors to prevent ACEs. For Spanish versions of the PowerPoint, the 10-question ACE survey, and an ACEs brochure, go to the Trainer Toolkit.

Childhood Adversity Narratives (CAN)— Physicians and ACEs experts from UNC, Duke, UCSF and the New School developed a fabulous 50-slide PowerPoint and PDF that the healthcare community can use to educate policymakers and the public about ACEs. It might be a bit too complicated for the general public, but it's GREAT for people in healthcare who want to educate the healthcare community.

The ACE Study & Unaddressed Childhood Trauma (PPT) - Ann Jennings PhD, The Anna Institute. Very detailed overview of ACE Study outcomes, plus health care costs.

ACEs and Developmental Disabilities (PDF) - Slides from Dr. Steve Marcal, Senior Director of Behavioral Health Services from the Center for Disability Services in Albany, NY. 

Adverse Childhood Experiences and their Relationship to Adult Well-being and Disease (PDF) - Vincent Felitti. (Aug. 2012).

Children's Mental Health Problems and the Need for Social Inclusion (SlideServe) - Being a child or a teenager isn’t always easy. Being a child or a teenager with a mental health problem can be even more difficult. Why children and adolescents who have mental illnesses may face discrimination and social exclusion by their peers. The Surgeon General’s Report on Children’s Mental Health says that "Children are sometimes directly stigmatized by the cruelty of classmates. This is stigma squared". SAMHSA. (Nov. 18, 2008).

The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children: Picking Up The Pieces (PDF) - Nelson & Link. Legacy House. (2012).

Health Consequences of Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan - Saul. (2012). CDC.

National ACEs Summit (PDFs) - Accompanying videos can be found here. Institute for Safe Families. (2013).

NCTSN's Assessment of Complex Trauma -- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network posted this section in November 2013. It provides an overview, with a case study, plus detailed information for mental health professionals, other professionals, and families and caregivers. This information is useful to include in presentations or basic education.

NCTSN's Effects of Complex Trauma overview -- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network posted this page in November 2013. It has brief descriptions of the effects of complex trauma on a wide range of areas, including attachment, body, brain, and economic impacts. This information is useful to include in presentations or basic education. 

Shift Your Perspective: A Trauma-Informed Understanding of Suicidality (PPT) - Excellent presentation slides by ACEsConnection member, Elizabeth Hudson. (ca 2011).

Social Inclusion and Trauma Informed Care (PPT) -  "Social Inclusion is a comprehensive approach to address multiple issues that people with mental health problems experience as individuals and as a group.  Social inclusion is a positive goal for people with mental illnesses and it is achieved when positive outcomes from a good quality education, an adequate income, accessible and affordable health services, social and political participation, living in a safe community, good quality housing and a stable family are achieved simultaneously." SAMHSA. (Sept. 10, 2009).

Trauma-Informed Care (PPT) - Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division.

US Military Studies on Adverse Childhood Experience (SlideServe) - DoD Center for Deployment Health Research. (2005). 

Additional PowerPoint Slides



2. Videos

ACE Study DVD intro (3 min) - This video produced by The Academy on Violence & Abuse features presentations by and interviews with ACE Study co-founders Dr. Vincent Felitti and Dr. Robert Anda, as well as Dr. David Williams, the CDC researcher who introduced them and participated in the study. Dr. Frank Putnam, director of pediatrics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, provides perspective on the impact of the study.

Childhood Trauma, Affect Regulation and Borderline Personality Disorder -- Bessel van der Kolk, Yale University, July 8, 2013. 

The 3 Core Concepts (6 min full) - Three short (2 min ea) videos from the Harvard University's Center for the Developing Child explain how toxic stress develops as a result of trauma, and how it affects the brain and nervous system.

How Stress Affects Our Telomeres (6 min) - Watch how stress effects our genes! The genetic structures called telomeres protect the ends of our chromosomes from fraying. As we age, our telomeres shorten. Stress (at any age) by way of stress hormones accelerate the shortening of telomeres. Neurobiologist, Dr. Robert Sapolsky leads the segment from the 2008 documentary, Stress: Portrait of a Killer.

Dr. Gabor Mate: Importance of Attachment (14 min) - "We have to become conscious of attachments because the culture is forever undermining our attachments." Gabor Mate, MD, author of Hold On to Your Kids, is interviewed by Lisa Reagan at his Kids, Culture and Chaos talk in Charlottesville, Virginia, in the spring of 2011.

Interpersonal Neurobiology (24 min) - In this 2009 TED talk, Dr. Daniel Siegel explores the neural mechanisms beneath social & emotional intelligence & how these can be cultivated through reflective practices.

Violence prevention - Dr. Sandra Bloom (3 min) - In 2010 Dr. Sandra Bloom talked to the Congreso Internacional JUCONI in Mexico about preventing violence via community/family health. (In English)

Dr. Robert Macy - Communities & Trauma Informed Care (2 min) -  It is important for professionals who encounter trauma victims -- in education, business, healthcare, the courts, social agencies, government and more -- to understand how to recognize, diagnose and treat people who have suffered intense psychological and physical trauma as children -- incidents called Adverse Childhood Experiences. Dr. Robert Macy talks about why a community effort is important. (2013).

The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health Status (93 min) - Dr. Vincent Felitti's classic presentation in full. (2006).

National ACEs Summit - Accompanying presentation slides can be found here. Institute for Safe Families. (2013).



3. Webinars

Adverse Childhood Experiences & Evidence Based Home Visiting - Kathy Carson & Laura Porter from Washington State. "New scientific discoveries about the lifelong impacts of adverse childhood experiences shed light on the intergenerational benefits of  home visiting. Laura will share information about the ACE Study, including data from Washington State. Kathy will discuss some of the  evidence of outcomes for home visiting and how understanding the impacts of childhood trauma can impact home visiting practice. This presentation is aimed at people working with young children and families and anyone interested in parenting and child development." PPT Presentation Slides. (Jun. 16, 2011). 

Ask the Experts: Trauma and Stress or Related Disorders in the DSM-5 (42 min) - ISTSS experts presented this webinar. It focused on the implications of the DSM-5 criteria for assessment within the context of treatment—with an emphasis on the changes as well as new items and criteria—and how they might affect treatment or assessment before or after treatment. Panelists will also discuss the recognition of a dissociative subtype of PTSD within the DSM-5.

Dr. Bruce Perry interview on Blog Talk Radio about parents who adopt -- "The challenge of adopting a toddler or older child is that you are parenting many kids in one body." 

Creating a Trauma informed Team (Keynote: Ann Jennings PhD-93 min) - Introduces the concepts of simple and complex trauma and discusses research related to retraumatization within institutional and community settings. Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services/Bureau of Prevention Treatment and Recovery (MHSAS/BPTR). (2009).

The Impact of Trauma and Neglect on Young Children — Dr. Bruce Perry webinar from NY Clinical Technical Assistance Center 

Reclaiming Futures: Communities helping teens overcome drugs, alcohol, & crime - Hosts new webinars almost every month and has archived webinars on topics including juvenile justice reform, juvenile drug courts, adolescent substance abuse treatment, positive youth development, and many more.

Supporting Staff and Developing Self-Care Strategies [Scroll down] - Partnering with people who have experienced traumatic life events can also be traumatizing for service providers. This webinar will include information on secondary trauma and strategies for addressing the self-care needs of both individuals and organizations. Natl. Center on Family Homelessness. (Aug. 29, 2012).

THRIVE's Trauma-Informed Webinar Trainings - THRIVE webinars embody System of Care principles and are well-suited for agency orientations, group or individual viewing. Registration for each webinar is required, and will give access to the Guide to Trauma-Informed Organizational Development and other resources. THRIVE is Maine’s graduated System of Care, and receives funding from Maine’s Department of Corrections Divison of Juvenile Services and the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

"Trauma: A Public Health Crisis in Western New York" Conference - Sandra Bloom, MD & Robert Anda, MD, Mar. 12 & 13, 2010 at “Trauma: A Public Health Crisis in Western New York” conference, sponsored by the Community Health Foundation of Western and Central New York. Participants learned to recognize the role of trauma in the lives of children, the effects of adverse childhood experiences on adult health risk behaviors and diseases, and learned how to apply the tenets of the Sanctuary Model to provide trauma-informed treatment and care. Furthermore, this conference enabled participants to collaborate with one another to form a network of community leaders and activists.

Trauma-Informed Care for Women Experiencing Homelessness and their Children - Webinar on the ways homeless services programs can use a trauma-informed care model to serve mothers and their children better and help break through the cycle of trauma and homelessness. The goal of the webinar was to share information on how to improve the trauma confidence of your organization. US Interagency Council on Homelessness. (May 9, 2012).

Trauma-Informed Practice with Children and Youth in the Child Welfare System (65 min) - This webcast is a nice discussion with Erika Tullberg an Assistant Professor of Research at the NYU Child Study Center and Director of the Atlas Project, an Administration for Children and  Families-funded effort to address trauma and other mental health issues in New York State’s child welfare system and Glenn N. Saxe, MD, Arnold Simon Professorship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Dr. Saxe is a physician-scientist with a focus on the psychiatric consequences of traumatic events in children. Foster-care/Birth-parent focus. Other resources included on this website. The National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections. (Feb. 6, 2013).

Treating Trauma in Kids  - Charles Wilson Executive Director of the Chadwick Center for Children and Families at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego presented on his work developing a trauma informed systems approach treating kids within the child welfare system. Applicable to the field of juvenile justice, as well. PDF Presentation Slides. (May 27, 2010).


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Sure, Susan. We'll be updating it over the next month. If you provide a link to this page, then people will have the latest information whenever they go to the url.

Cheers, Jane


Thanks so much for this excellent resource. Do you mind if I include it in
my book as an appendix? It would really be a big help to schools developing
professional development sessions for teachers.


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