By Lucy A. Bilaver, Judy Havlicek, Matthew M. Davis, JAMA Pediatrics, May 11, 2020
Children in foster care have the highest rates of chronic conditions of any child population. While the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being remains the gold standard for data on special health care needs (SCHNs) of children in foster care, the data do not permit comparisons between children in foster care and other types of care. We address this gap by describing current rates of SHCNs and specific mental health and developmental conditions for children across a range of caregiving circumstances.
We combined 2 years of parent-proxy survey data from the 2016-2017 National Survey of Children’s Health (N = 71 811 households). Weighted estimates are representative of children who are noninstitutionalized and aged 0 to 17 years old in the United States. The mean overall response rate was 39.1%. Because the study data are publicly available from the US Census Bureau and deidentified, the study is not considered human subjects research and does not require institutional review board approval.
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