Prevent Child Abuse Illinois (PCA Illinois) recently announced the release of a statewide environmental scan survey to assess the awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) among Illinois residents, and we need your help! Please help us get the data we need by sharing this survey with your colleagues, students, and networks. The more Illinois residents we reach, the more accurate our data will be, which will help ensure our future public awareness campaigns and educational efforts are relevant and successful.
Take the survey here:
PCA Illinois is a statewide, non-profit organization, and our mission is to prevent child abuse by providing statewide leadership through education, support for community initiatives, and advocacy. The purpose of this survey is to gather information on the level of public awareness and organizational practices around ACEs in Illinois. PCA Illinois will use the information gathered from the survey to help guide future public awareness campaigns, education efforts, and networking opportunities addressing ACEs. PCA Illinois aims to have at least 5,000 people from across the state complete the environmental scan survey and needs the support of the public to reach that goal.
Preventing ACEs is possible! To prevent children from experiencing ACEs we must increase public awareness about the issue and educate the everyone on ways to support positive childhood experiences for all children. The environmental scan survey serves as a crucial first step in this process.
Thank you for your time! If you have any questions, please contact me at
Kelsey Greene
ACEs Project Director, Prevent Child Abuse Illinois
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