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Preventing ACEs! New book release!!!


Dr Felitti almost always talks about PREVENTION of ACEs when he speaks!!! It's a BIG WIN-WIN for all of us if we make a greater effort to show how much we care EVERY DAY in the precious formative years of our children. It brought Dr Anda and Dr Felitti to tears when their data verified how common ACEs were in the lives of their patients. I wrote this book because teachers said our children were so different in grade school...they watched over all of their classmates...even in 3rd grade. The book contains 206 things you can say and do to let your children know exactly how much you care about them. There are also stories about caring and questions for the whole family to answer. So, put down your cell phones and sit around the dinner table and talk about things that matter! Doubt and fear about how you feel about your children are two of the primary issues that create long term, tragic ACEs! This level of caring has worked across our whole tribe...and I offer a money back guarantee on this book! I PROMISE that this level of caring will make a difference in your children's lives...they need to KNOW you CARE!

What if we made MANDATORY a few hours of parenting lessons for ALL new parents?  What if we spent just a quarter of the time we spend on the science of ACEs...PREVENTING ACEs?  Don't we all win if we prevent trauma first...instead of dealing with the tragic impact of ACEs for the rest of our lives? 

Save a heart you care!!!  The book is now available on Amazon in the book section...eBook and hard copy. 

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