Editor’s Note: MAPP (Mobilizing for Action through Planning & Partnerships) is a local coalition that aims to use and build upon our strengths to improve our individual, family, and community health. Health is defined broadly to include cultural, economic, educational, environmental, mental, physical, and spiritual health.
If you could do one single thing that decreased the number of people within our community experiencing anxiety by 56 percent, life dissatisfaction by 67 percent, alcohol abuse by 33 percent, and recent depression by 40 percent, wouldn’t you be intrigued to find out what that might be?
Last summer, the community selected Family Well-being as the top priority for our collective community action. There are a variety of interrelated factors that influence family well-being in our community and are reflected in the recent Community Health Assessment. These variables range from economics, education, public transportation, substance abuse, domestic violence, family support and connectivity, built and physical environment, physical and mental health, and Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma.
[For more of this story, written by Megan Murphy, go to http://homernews.com/homer-opi...-health-of-community]
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