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Procedural Justice: Taking The Ego Out Of Policing []

Ian Britton



Now, we're going to take a look at a city in California and an effort to repair the trust between police and the populations they serve. And it comes down to something called procedural justice. The city of Oakland has been teaching police about this strategy for years already. State officials are hoping it can be a model for other police departments. We spoke with Officer Kyle Hay of the Oakland Police Department, and he explained that procedural justice is all about communication. And four basic principles - voice, he says that's the ability for the citizen to have their say; neutrality, respect and lastly, transparency. I asked him to give me an example of how the program helps police officers overcome their own biases.


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Having served on a Police-Community Relations committee, over 40 years ago, and on a dispute resolution team, as well, I think this is an [implemented in one locale] idea whose time has come. It would go a long way in giving police and communities their own "Critical Incident Stress Debriefing" process, done collaboratively! We had an informal, but similar process when I worked as an Aviation Public Safety officer, about 30 years ago, although an airfield isn't quite like a residential neighborhood, or city block. It certainly gives everyone whose Hypothalamic- Pituitary-Adrenal axis might start pumping adrenaline, an option, and with habitual use, a Resilience builder, too! Measuring the positive outcomes of this, to establish an "evidence base" on its effectiveness, would also help to set an appropriate 'national standard' for police behavior. When I participated in a Non-Abusive Physical Intervention (NAPI) training, at our state hospital, I learned the NAPI program developer had also taught a Humane Self-Defense techniques for Law Enforcement course, as well.

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