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Profiles in Permanency: Surveying Adoptive Families And Guardians in Vermont []


While the day an adoption is finalized or guardianship is legally established is indeed important, by no means is it the end of the journey for a family. Under the best of circumstances, maintaining healthy family connections and ensuring family wellbeing requires preparedness, thoughtfulness and patience. In the adoption and foster care communities, navigating this journey can be even more challenging.

Even though it has long been understood that there is an acute need for pre-and post-adoption supports and services for families, there is often a lack of understanding and engagement on the specific needs families face.  With this challenge in mind, Vermont designed and is implementing the Vermont Permanency Survey. The goal is to understand the experiences of families both pre- and post-permanency, identify strengths of families who report that they are doing well since their adoption or guardianship was finalized, and proactively identify families who are struggling or who might be at risk of post-placement discontinuity. The survey also includes a mechanism that enables families to self-refer to post-permanency services.

To continue reading this article by April Dinwoodie, go to: https://chronicleofsocialchang...ardians-survey/32777

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