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Psychedelic Medicine and Cultural Trauma Community Workshop, August 10-11 in Louisville

This workshop, open to the public, is being offered by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) just prior to their training program for therapists.  The workshop offers  a great opportunity for the community to learn about both racial trauma and MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. 
Short summary from the website:
Trauma experienced by people of color is historical, cultural, systemic, and communal, in addition to an increased likelihood of experiencing discrete interpersonal trauma. To understand individual therapy, it is imperative that therapists, as well as community leaders, understand the larger traumatic context. This day-and-a-half opening workshop focuses on the political and social factors that impact trauma and healing.
Community leaders will join trainees for this workshop to engage in dialogue about the social, political, cultural, and historical causes of trauma, as well as to discuss barriers to acceptance of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in communities of color while envisioning ways forward.
Click here to register.
Click here to read more about the host organization, MAPS.
Click here to read more about the program, including the roster of speakers. 

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Robert Olcott posted:

Witnessing my mother's handgun suicide, as a teenager, may have been a significant factor in my developing "PTSD"-although it wasn't 'diagnosed' until the VA/NCPTSD did a study of non-military/non-veterans with PTSD, two decades + later. But this helps explain my preference for marijuana use ... before the study, and later seeking EMDR therapy, as the VA/NCPTSD could not provide treatment to non-veterans in that study (before the O'Shay/Paulsen EMDR protocols were developed)....

may I ask what your experience was with EMDR, How helpful etc.

Witnessing my mother's handgun suicide, as a teenager, may have been a significant factor in my developing "PTSD"-although it wasn't 'diagnosed' until the VA/NCPTSD did a study of non-military/non-veterans with PTSD, two decades + later. But this helps explain my preference for marijuana use ... before the study, and later seeking EMDR therapy, as the VA/NCPTSD could not provide treatment to non-veterans in that study (before the O'Shay/Paulsen EMDR protocols were developed)....

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