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PTSD is not a disorder, says Medal of Honor winner

"Post-traumatic stress is not a disorder, it’s not a syndrome, it’s a natural reaction, Staff Sergeant and Medal of Honor winner Ty Carter said on Friday’s Morning Joe. Calling it a disorder or a syndrome creates a stigma that only hurts the soldiers who need to deal with it, he argued.

“If you just call it stress, what it really is, it explains the fact that it’s a natural reaction to a traumatic experience,” Carter said. “It’s our body’s and mind’s natural reaction to try and remember and avoid those situations.”...

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NAMI event featuring Derek Porter, USMC Veteran and author of a book titled, Conquering Mental Fatigues: PTSD and Hypervigilance disorder-POST WAR, will be speaking and signing his new book.....looking for a review of this narrative and story from his perspective as a War Veteran...will post one if it's out there..Hope Staff Sergeant Ty Carter writes one too...!,0,639602.story

I have read his book, Jeff, and I highly recommend it. It provides more inside details about how our whole society works. He is a sharply-tuned mind with great insights to share. Being both psychologist and attorney (and a person with moral fiber) makes his observations and analysis truly perspicacious.

Thank you for your response, Jeff. I agree 110% with everything you said. And, I just want to shout out again re: Dr. Bessel van der Kolk. He's spot on. I think I posted this before but thought I would add it here as another wonderful van der Kolk resource. It's an in-depth interview with him (52 min +). Just wonderful.

Completely agree, Jeff. But the truth has not come out in mainstream media like this. This vet saying it with all the attention he has on him at the moment including Obama's support is BIG. With vets I believe the smoke screen of denying what and how PTSD works has been created so the VA/govt doesn't have to pay out A TON of benefits to vets. Also, if they admit this reality about PTSD then they have to realize "war" is the cause of it. Now we're talking military-industrial complex and all the money IT makes from manufactured wars. It's no surprise drones have been invented. Anyway if anyone is interested I highly recommend reading this article . Bessel van der Kolk is in it and is disputing Dr. Martin Seligman's RIDICULOUS "positive psychology" treatments for vets. Seligman got a $34 million NO-BID contract to implement this. So a soldier has flashbacks of seeing his buddy being blown up and he's supposed to think "positive thoughts" -- give me a freakin' break. The video on van der Kolk and Seligman is worth watching. Dr. van der Kolk and Dr. Welch are traumatologists! And if anyone wants to hear Welch (psychologist and attorney--headed a dept of the APA) and what he learned about the inner workings of all this, one can listen here. In a nutshell, the military wanted to hire psychologists to learn what mind-torture techniques they could use at Guantanamo. That violates the Hippocratic Oath of medicine ("do no harm"). Welch has morals and would not violate the oath so he left. It's a fascinating listen.

People have been saying it for years...nobody wants to listen...just stigmatize, marginalize, exploit vulnerabilities, and create opportunities of oppression...not to mention what big phara does and certain populations in health CARE !...People need to begin to stand united in this's called "SOCIAL CAPITAL".

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