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Public Public Health Intervention

Attachment and Self-Regulation as a Public Health Intervention

At a recent Youth Suicide Prevention Brainstorm, someone asked me what I would do with a $1 million dollars.  I quickly responded that I would create a public health campaign that taught self-regulation and attachment across the lifespan from pre-school on. 

Can you imagine?  Just like everyone knows that a cold does not need antibiotic treatment.  Just like we know to cover our sneezes.  Or wash our hands prevents the spread of germs.

Can you imagine? 

If EVERYONE was competent in

  • The impact of trauma and ACEs
  • Attachment 
  • Self-awareness-biological, psychogical, social and spiritual
  • Self-regulation Skills
  • Advocating for self and others


If this was taught in preschool?  Elementary school?  Middle and high schools?  If all the adults-educators, parents, providers, police, policy makers-EVERYONE understood these basic foundations?

Can you imagine the impact on suicide rates?  If people knew how to self-regulate or to seek help?  What would the psychiatric inpatient units look like?  I know there would still be people with needs, but I  the numbers would decrease.

What do you think?  I think it would be a million dollars well spent.

My blog can be found at

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What a wonderful idea! I would add that it would be great if people knew how to truly care for people who are in need. In the States, our culture puts so much emphasis on the individual; folks must learn to be "resilient." We are social beings and need each other as the great work of James Coan and Dan Siegel illustrate. We are interconnected. Professional and non-professional caregiving has a lot to learn and implement to effectively help people in need and not retraumatize them which is often the case. And of course there is the challenging issue of bridging what the intellect knows and what the emotional experience of that same person is. Thanks for this wonderful, thought-provoking post! Great idea!

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