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Why is there so much emphasis on healing from the effects of unsupportive and harmful parenting and so little emphasis on the prevention of unsupportive and harmful parenting?  Is it a money issue?

Is there money to be made in intervention, treatment, healing, and rehabilitation?

Is there money to be made in primary prevention?

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My first gut guess is that, systemically (at least in the US), the dominant paradigm is child protection services. In America, we do two things...

1) We infantilize children.
2) We place enormous and unjust personal responsibility on adults.

The script is to save the child from the parent until the parent, themselves, puts in the work to "deserve" the child again. Don't ask the child what they want. And don't ask the parent how they got where they are.

Turned the rest of my reply into a blog post that can be read here...

The America "Dream" of Children Needing Saving and Parents Deserving Blame

Last edited by Max Taylor
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