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Rat Study Shows Childhood Trauma Can Change the Brain (But It Can Be Changed Back) []


From Technology Networks, February 24, 2020

A study conducted at Northeastern University has used rat models to map the changes to the brain caused by early life trauma. Their data suggests changes can be sex-specific, but they aren't necessarily permanent.

In the early 1990s, more than 100,000 children in Romania were living in overcrowded, under-funded orphanages. They suffered from severe neglect, having little interaction with caretakers.

This lack of nurturing altered the structure and function of their brains. These children developed a host of behavioral and emotional problems that many of them are still coping with today.

[Please click here to read more.]

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Dr. Honeycutt and Dr. Brenhouse, do you have any thoughts on whether the changes observed in the past with the Romanian orphans and now with the rats in your study are like the effects of untreated amblyopia on vision. 

“ Amblyopia is a developmental problem in the brain, not any intrinsic, organic neurological problem in the eyeball (although organic problems can lead to amblyopia which can continue to exist after the organic problem has resolved by medical intervention).[28] The part of the brain receiving images from the affected eye is not stimulated properly and does not develop to its full visual potential. This has been confirmed by direct brain examination. David H. Hubel and Torsten Wiesel won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1981 for their work in showing the extent of the damage to ocular dominance columns produced in kittens by sufficient visual deprivation during the so-called "critical period". The maximum "critical period" in humans is from birth to two years old.” 

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