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(Re)Building Trust: A Trauma-informed Approach to Leadership

I sat down with Jered Odegard for his podcast where on, "Each episode we talk to senior leaders to uncover the powerful yet counterintuitive ways to be a high performer. Learn to build a better career and company."
Trauma-informed Leadership definitely fits that mission! I encourage you to subscribe to his podcast and to also give a listen to our conversation. (Do both!)
If you would like to know more about my work on (Re) Building Trust: A Trauma-informed Approach to Leadership, please visit my website and let me know how I can help you or your organization:
You can listen on Apple at:

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@Cheryl Step posted:

Amazing interview!  Chris Freeze helped people understand the principles of being trauma informed, and the importance of the base of creating a safe environment and trusting relationships to build a healthy workplace.  Chris also did a great job of explaining some concepts that create the safe workplace and trust: the leader's own awareness and regulation, validating and normalizing staff emotions, being able to respond from the pre-frontal cortex and be the calm in the chaos.  Having a trauma informed workplace allows people to thrive and foster hope.

Thank you, Cheryl. I'm humbled and appreciative of your comments.

Amazing interview!  Chris Freeze helped people understand the principles of being trauma informed, and the importance of the base of creating a safe environment and trusting relationships to build a healthy workplace.  Chris also did a great job of explaining some concepts that create the safe workplace and trust: the leader's own awareness and regulation, validating and normalizing staff emotions, being able to respond from the pre-frontal cortex and be the calm in the chaos.  Having a trauma informed workplace allows people to thrive and foster hope. 

Terrific, Christopher. As business leaders learn that adopting a trauma-informed approach is good for employees, customers, patients, clients their communities — the bottom line — the world will shift toward these kinder, gentler, more evolved ways of living and being. I hope.

I know you are sure doing your part to help people understand this. With your decades of studying human behavior as an FBI agent, and other work you have done and are doing, you are blazing a trail I hope many, many will follow!

Thank you for taking the risk of being a thought leader and staking your income and family’s wellbeing on businesses, institutions, and others wanting to get out ahead on what must become the way things are done if we, as a society, are ever to reach the elusive goal of equity and equality promised in our nation’s Constitution, yet unmet.

We at ACEs Connection appreciate your sharing these principles with us and our members, and that you are active in sharing them on other social media platforms such as LinkedIn, and on podcasts and speaking opportunities.

In case you’ve not seen this article about how TI approaches have been successful, take a look. We need scores of stories like this. Let’s look for then and post them as I believe they are out there, and that you will be part of making more of them come to light!

One more: The Return on Investment of ACEs science.

Peace and thank you,

Carey Sipp

SE Regional Community Facilitator, ACEs Connection

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