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Reaching the Tipping Point: 2019 BPT Big Idea Session by Jane Stevens


CRI is excited to welcome back Jane Stevens, Founder and Publisher of our very own ACEs Connection, to the 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference in Pasco, Washington. Jane will be hosting a BIG IDEA session titled, "Reaching the Tipping Point."


Reaching the national — and your local — tipping point. How can we do that in the next five years? And what happens when we do?

We REALLY need to reach a tipping point —ASAP! —in educating people about ACEs science, engaging organizations in the ACEs movement, and in helping them start the process of integrating trauma-informed and resilience-building practices throughout their work. Why? Mostly because this new knowledge has already shown us that we can solve our most intractable problems. My guess is that there are about 500 local ACEs initiatives in this country. But there are 30,000 cities and towns, and 4,000 counties in the U.S. A tipping point — that point where this movement becomes truly unstoppable, and practices based on ACE science become the norm instead of the new — is somewhere around 7,000 communities. Cities and counties can look at different tipping points within their communities: by sector, such as 20-30 percent of schools or health clinics. Or by geography, such as 20-30 percent of all organizations in a particular area. Both approaches are critical, because every sector needs to integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices. When we do that, then we can start measuring our progress — seeing where we’re doing well, and where we need to do more work. Yep, it’s a numbers game. There’s no getting around that. But identifying goals and going after them — using failure to guide us and success to inspire us — is the only way we’ll create thriving communities.

Jane Ellen Stevens is founder and publisher of ACEs Connection, a community of practice social network that helps communities integrate practices and policies based on the science of adverse childhood experiences. ACEs Connection is supported by funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The California Endowment, the Sarlo Foundation, the Lisa & John Pritzker Family Fund, and Genentech. Stevens has been a health, science and technology journalist for more than 30 years. Her articles have appeared in the Boston Globe, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and National Geographic.

Jane's Session Description is the fourth of CRI's five-part series titled "Big Ideas in the Big Room." Stay tuned for the next and final showcase!

The 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Trauma-Informed Care Conference on June 26 & 27, 2019 will revolve around the theme, “Building Resilience Across the Life Span,” with Pre-Conference Trainings, Social/Networking event, and film screenings beginning on Tuesday June 25, 2019. The conference will be held at the Red Lion Hotel in Pasco, WA. Click here for session information, or to purchase tickets.

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