Real Life Heroes (RLH) engages children and caregivers to rebuild (or build) emotionally supportive relationships, develop self-regulation and co-regulation skills, reduce traumatic stress reactions, and integrate a positive self-image through conjoint life story work. RLH includes psychoeducation, a life story workbook, multi-modal creative arts, and a toolkit to help practitioners implement National Child Traumatic Stress Network recommended components of treatment for Complex PTSD as a child and family transition from residential treatment to home and community-based programs. A case study and results from pilot studies highlight utility of the model for residential treatment and how RLH can help residential treatment programs implement evidence-supported trauma and resiliency-focused treatment including incorporation of NCTSN curricula to provide an integrated framework for practitioners, residential counselors, county case managers, educators, resource parents, home-based counselors, mentors, and other caring adults.
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