Climate Science for the World’s Worry: a 12-month Series
Do you make efforts to comprehend the uncountable impacts of the climate crisis on our beloved earth, and does your mind boggle? Do you worry about the future? Do you struggle with helplessness and overwhelm? Do you sometimes feel so much tenderness for the world that you think you might burst?
You are not alone. This collection of feelings is often called climate anxiety, and it’s happening to people all over the world as we face what’s going on with the overuse of fossil fuels and resulting global temperatures and weather changes, and their impacts on species and ecosystems.
The very best remedy for climate anxiety is knowing that this a collective experience, not an individual experience. We need community, acknowledgement, collective mourning, collective education and collective effort. We need to be able to hold hands and look together. This year The Resonance Institute and I are putting together a 12-month program to support looking, understanding, staying resilient and taking action together.
This series is offered on a sliding scale to support as many people being able to participate and receive the healing and support of resonance and combat the often lonely experience and alarmed aloneness in the face of the crisis we and our planet are facing.
Sign up for the full series for exclusive access to bonus Resonance sessions. These bonus sessions will be warmly held to support healing, grieving, action, connection and integration.
This online series includes twenty-four workshops with leading climate scientists, psychologists, healers and activists:
Advancing an Intersectional Climate Justice with Dr. Jade S. Sasser
Recorded March 26, 2022 at the Resonance Summit
Climate change is a crisis that unfolds differently for communities along the lines of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other aspects of identity. How can we create the climate futures we want by placing marginalized communities at the center? What role does justice play in that process?
In this keynote, Dr. Sasser explores diverse youth climate activism, the Sunrise Movement, Movement Generation, climate strikers and others, paying particular attention to anti-racist, anti-capitalist, justice-centered approaches. The presentation also thinks through how emotional and mental health support can effectively be centered in an intersectional climate justice approach. Jade argues for creatively drawing on science, art, and racial justice movements as blueprints for imagining and creating hopeful, just climate futures.
Perspectives and Practices for an Eco-Wise Culture with Leslie Davenport
Online, April 25, 2022 5-6:30 pm Pacific Time (convert to your time zone here)
This session highlights key neuroscience research, social psychology perspectives, and an experiential depth practice to support our movement toward embodying a more complete experience of our humanity that is viscerally and consciously connected to our place in the living biosphere. Moving toward a mature planetary civilization includes activating our intuitive, creative, somatic, relational, ancestral, environmental, and emotional intelligences. By restoring our relationship with the part of our interior landscapes and ways of knowing that have been cut off or become dormant because of the predominant Western mindset, we can collectively contribute to an evolutionary impulse toward an eco-wise shift.
Contribution of Large Animals to Help Fight Climate Change with Dr. Fabio Berzaghi
Online, April 27, 2022 12-1:30 pm Pacific Time (convert to your time zone here)
Dr. Fabio Berzaghi will present on the contribution of large (and small) animals that help fight climate change and keep ecosystems healthy. He will also share about Rebalance Earth, an amazing startup made of volunteers with a vision of contributing to positive change in the world by protecting nature and helping local communities. His work on African forest elephants has been covered widely by global press outlets including The NY Times, including his conversation with Ralph Chami from the International Monetary Fund.
For the complete list of presenters, and to register, please visit the Resonance and Climate Series pages of the website.
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