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Regulation Before Education: Trauma-Informed Schools


Regulation Before Education:  The Roots and Fruits of a Trauma-Informed School

July 29-31st | 12:00 - 3:00pm EDT

These times are unsettling in many ways.  But the disruptions have widened opportunities for different ways of being, thinking and doing in education.  

The trauma-informed schools movement has never been more relevant.   Schools committed to cultivating trauma-informed change can successfully buffer the adverse effects of the pandemic, economic collapse, and persistent racial injustice.

Join Emily Read Daniels and Lara Kain (of ACES Connection) along with James Moffett and a host of diverse special guest presenters as they present their emerging model for trauma-informed schools:  Regulation Before Education:  The Roots and Fruits of Trauma-Informed Schools.  

In this three-day training, presenters will address a host of issues for the upcoming 2020-2021 School Year:  

  • Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Brain and Behavior
  • Cultivating Regulation and Relationships for Safety and Connection in the Classroom
  • Processing Grief & Loss for Staff and Students
  • Anti-Racist Education
  • Restorative Justice
  • Trauma-Informed Pedagogical Practices

This training is a slightly revised version of HTN's soldout  2nd Annual Trauma Responsive Schools Conference to include more emphasis on the intersection of anti-racist and trauma-informed education. 

97.5% of attendees rated their conference experience as either very good or excellent. 

Here is a sampling of what attendees said:

"Lots of emphasis on evidenced based work. LOVED having James Moffet encouraging connection connection connection! And I loved the practical, TANGIBLE strategies he discussed he uses in his school. Real world examples are SOOOO helpful for school staff who hear new things constantly."

"Breakout sessions, REAL life sharing of student/staff interactions"

"The professional experience, the resources and the skills of the presenters were very helpful."

"Very relevant information backed by science and timely research. Guest appearances, concrete examples of practices in place, what it looks like at school, thank you for supplying slides and links."

"The passion, collective experiences and resources provided."

"I felt like this gave me a new direction and helped me find the words to express feelings I’ve always felt but didn’t know I felt."

" I don't even know where to begin. This was so motivating and encouraging. I actually liked hearing your thoughts and being able to talk with other professionals in the breakout rooms."

"Loved everything about it! Soooo much great and valuable information, strategies, food for thought. Now on to digesting it all and implementing. Well done, all. Also LOVED the dancing and the breakoutrooms!"

 For more information:

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Great information! This training must be very interesting, but unfortunately, now I almost have no time for that, as I need to prepare for the university. The most difficult point for me was writing to write all papers, so I applied to a personal statement nursing writing service, that helped me with my statement, and did e a good job in editing it.

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