A new report released Wednesday by the student advocacy group Education Trust-West calls for an increased focus on helping black students thrive in California schools.
Called “Black Minds Matter: Supporting the Educational Success of Black Children in California,” the 32-page report highlights disparities in academic achievement and discipline between black students and their non-black peers from preschool through college. It also lists several programs throughout the state that could serve as models to others hoping to close achievement and “opportunity gaps,” and includes 36 recommendations for state policymakers and education leaders aimed at remedying inequities.
“Although we’ve made some progress, black students continue to face an education system that squanders their talent,” said Ryan Smith, executive director of Ed Trust–West, in a prepared statement. “The deaths of unarmed youth by law enforcement across the country tell black youth that their lives matter less than other lives. Similarly the decisions made within our education systems tell black students that their minds and futures matter less as well.”
[For more of this story, written by Theresa Harrington, go to http://edsource.org/2015/repor...-in-california/89705]
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