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Researchers develop world-first online mental health program targeted at farmers []


One of the hardest parts of being a farmer is the lack of control over things like weather and international markets.

A world-first online mental health program is hoping to give farmers similar skills to cancer patients, who also have to deal with uncertainty and unexpected developments.

Lead researcher and developer Kate Fennell said the website would not only help farmers who lived with a mental illness, but could also be used to prevent problems in the first place.

[For more of this story, written by Brooke Neindorf, go to]

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I'm happy to see these nascent beginnings to dealing with stress in the population. I've worked on farms twice. Both dairy, and I was hired so the owner could actually get a few hours off. Not weeks mind, just some time to be able to catch up on paper work. It takes a good amount of time before a hand can handle the farm sufficiently for a farmer to be able to actually leave the premises for a vacation. 24/7 was their operating reality. 

It was the hardest and most rewarding work I ever did. 

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