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Resilience documentary now available to license for screening


Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope —  the second documentary about ACEs science by director/producer James Redford and producer Karen Pritzker — is now available to order for single-screening rentals through Screenings can be scheduled on or after August 22, 2016.

The cost is $175 for K-12 schools and public libraries, and $225 for universities, nonprofits and government organizations. You can order online here:

 A single screening rental means you can order a DVD of the film to show to an audience only once, and then return the DVD to TUGG. 

The film will be available in January 2017 for license purchase, which means you can keep the film for a determined amount of time, and for different numbers of screenings. Information about license purchase will be available later this year; to receive updates, please log into the Resilience website and register.

Resilience Trailer - KPJR Films from KPJR FILMS LLC on Vimeo.

If you want to show the documentary at multiple locations, you can request a quote on the TUGG website. TUGG will add rush fees to orders needed within three weeks. TUGG requires prepayment for all orders (credit card, institutional check or institutional purchase order). 

If you order today, the DVD will arrive on August 22, 2016. 

Paper Tigers, the first film about ACEs science by KPJR Films debuted in May 2015. It follows six students through a year at Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, WA. The high school was the first in the nation to integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on ACEs science. Paper Tigers is also available through TUGG. Licenses vary from $75 for a one-time showing at a school or public library, to $125 for a one-year rental by a school or public library to show as many times as desired, to $1090 for a non-profit to show in 10 locations for an undetermined period of time, and with various permutations in-between the price extremes. Check out the TUGG Paper Tigers site to find out more.

You can follow Resilience and Paper Tigers on Facebook and on Twitter. Paper Tigers Facebook page. Resilience Facebook page.

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Thank you Adrienne. I’m actually inquiring for a friend who is in Germany. She wants to view the documentary before she recommends it to local schools and can’t gain access anywhere. She has already tried worldcat with no luck. It isn’t available from Amazon in Germany either. If you have any more ideas, I would love to hear them!

Thanks again!

I want  do this for my not for profit agency  but there are no funds like that for  a movie.

Michelle - let’s reconnect! Email me at csipp@acesconnection?

Michelle grunkemeyer posted:

I want  do this for my not for profit agency  but there are no funds like that for  a movie. 

Hi Michelle,

Paper Tigers you can now rent through Amazon for like $1.99.  We did a gofundme campaign to rent Resilience and secure a large venue for its screening.  We raised over $3,000 in less than 48 hours.

I would advise you to try and connect with fellow community partners to plan a screening.  In my experience, that works much better for participation and investment.  It's also what the movement is about - reaching across lines to support one another.  Good luck!  Report back how it goes...we are rooting for you!  - Monadnock Thrives

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