During this year’s Resilience Week VA, the Greater Richmond Trauma-Informed Community Network (GR-TICN) is focusing on seven different themes that allow for a holistic understanding of resilience. One of my favorite themes of the week is Happiness & Play. As adults, it can be easy to forget the importance of playfulness, creativity, and our imagination. Our lives quickly become filled with numerous responsibilities and tasks, and it can feel nearly impossible to find a moment to oneself. However, moments of happiness and playfulness are needed parts of our lives and a core facet of what it means to be human. Play helps us connect with others, relieve stress, and energize our body and mind.
Children are often so skilled in pulling adults into these times of play and creativity, and through this they help us build our resilience. We have much to learn from children about the simple joys of life and the importance of finding moments of playfulness and happiness.
I invite you this week (and for weeks to come!) to identify at least one intentional way to incorporate playfulness in your life. This could be with friends, family members, kids, roommates, pets, or just having some fun on your own!
Check out some ideas here or be creative and come up with your own!
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