New name, expanded focus
Welcome to the first edition of the monthly Resilient Wisconsin: Trauma-Informed News and Notes newsletter. While the name of this newsletter has changed, the content is the same. You'll still receive a monthly round-up of the latest behavioral health news, research, and resources.
Resilient Wisconsin supports and collaborates with people and organizations throughout Wisconsin, to bring together the latest data, evidence-based tools, and trauma-informed practices. Visit the Resilient Wisconsin website for more information on this new initiative. Check the website frequently for new content.
ACEs, adversity's impact
- Podcast: Coronavirus: Gabor Maté on how your past is affecting your present
- Dr, Nadine Burke-Harris shares concerns about the impact COVID-19 is having on blacks
- What will it be like when the lockdown lifts?
- Gender-based violence linked to adverse childhood experiences
- During pandemic, empaths suffer more
- Building resilience won't stop traumatised social workers quitting
- Generational trauma in Milwaukee: 'Even if they can't name it, they feel it'
- Revised abusive head trauma policy calls for continued vigilance, advocacy
- Study: Poverty increases risk for ADHD and learning disabilities
- Social distancing can impact mental health. How shall we handle it?
- The psychological trauma that awaits our doctors and nurses
- Adverse childhood experiences associated with executive dysfunction post-surgical menopause
- Child sexual abuse expected to rise amid COVID-19 pandemic, experts say
- Inside the adverse childhood experience score: Strengths, limitations, and misapplications
- Childhood sexual, physical abuse increases adulthood lupus risk among black women
- Coronavirus quarantines: What it means to face trauma in a household of one
- Criminal records create cycles of multigenerational poverty
Brain and biology
- How chronic stress changes the brain, and what you can do to reverse the damage
- Can understanding fear-based memories help us forget traumatic events?
- How stress affects the brain during problem solving
- 40 days of mindfulness meditation leads to structural brain changes and improved quality of life
- Neuroscience study indicates mindfulness training can recalibrate the brain's response to fear in school kids
Info Sheet: Supporting child well-being through bullying prevention
Courts, juvenile justice, corrections, and probation
- New breed of cop in New Jersey keeps kids on straight and narrow
- Why Prosecutors need to understand the impact of trauma
DHS career opportunities
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- When new trauma meets old
- PTSD, moral injury increase risk of pregnancy complications
- Self isolation and behavior: What the science says
- New App: PTSD Coach
- PTSD Research Quarterly - Volume 31/NO. 1, 2020
- Coronavirus patients could suffer from post-intensive care syndrome. What is that?
- PTSD and anger: Untangling the connection
- Autism Spectrum Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: An unexplored co-occurrence of conditions
- Healthcare workers on the front lines of COVID-19 pandemic may be dealing with PTSD in he future
- We need a national mental health response to coronavirus
- Resource: The Compassion Curve
- New Guide: A Guide to COVID-19 and Early Childhood Development
- Infographic: What is COVID-19? And How Does it Relate to Child development?
- Secondary trauma and self-care: Indigenous-led healing and native practices
- The ability to regulate your attention may help protect against anxiety symptoms
- How to help your child build resilience against Coronavirus anxiety
- Video: How mindful leaders can heal trauma
- How adversity makes you stronger
- New treatment for childhood anxiety works by changing parent behavior
- Coping with fatigue, fear, and panic during a crisis
- Why empathy is needed now more than ever, especially in healthcare
- Mindfulness training may help people feel less lonely
- How to boost your well-being like an optimist, even if you're not one
- How to take care of yourself when you're a first responder during the coronavirus pandemic
- The pandemic will haunt today's children forever, but we can help them now
- Trauma can be addressed in schools. Some are trying
- Podcast: Trauma-Informed Care Lens - Interview with Dr. Eric Rossen
- Video: Speaking Up on Teen Stress
- A trauma-informed approach to teaching through coronavirus - for students everywhere, online or not
- Yes, you can do trauma-informed teaching remotely (and you really, really should)
- 2 ways to teach empathy - and why it matters
Substance Use Disorder
Resource: COVID-19 and substance use disorders
- Introduction to the Seven Essential Ingredients (7ei) of Trauma Informed Care
- Trauma Sensitive Schools Virtual Networking Meeting
- On-Demand Webinar: The FST Mini-Scale to Improve Client Outcomes: An Online Counseling Example
Trauma-Informed Care
- Free Webinar: A Child's Love Language and Being Unpredictable to Heal Trauma Through Online Counseling
- When is therapy inappropriate after trauma?
- I see you
- Trauma-informed care may ease patient fear, clinician burnout
- New Mexico envisions a trauma-informed foster care system
- Trauma treatment during the coronavirus pandemic
- What it's like to be a Doula working with black pregnant people right now
- Culturally competent, trauma-informed approaches for working with San Diego's Native American families
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