Explore the Resilient Wisconsin website!
- Understanding resilience
- Trauma-informed practices
- Trauma and toxic stress
- Risk and protective factors
- Social determinants of health
- Adverse childhood experiences
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ACEs, adversity's impact
- American Academy of Pediatrics says racism is a threat to kids of all ages
- The association between exposure to childhood maltreatment and the subsequent development of functional somatic and visceral pain syndromes
- Childhood trauma affects the timing of motherhood
- Will we see a 'wounded generation' because of COVID-19?
- Racial trauma is a public health emergency
- Inequities amplified by COVID-19: Opportunities for Medicaid to address health disparities
- How experiencing traumatic stress leads to aggression
- Childhood food neglect and adverse experiences associated with DSM-5 eating disorders in US national sample
- What home confinement means to children
- Calling health care workers 'heroes' harms all of us
- Dr. Tahmeena Ali: Child development is everybody's business: Lessons from the pandemic
- Pandemic affecting adolescent development; we must help them handle new traumas
- The never-ending loop: Homelessness, psychiatric disorder, and mortality
- Associations between maternal adverse childhood experiences, executive function, and emotional availability in mother-child dyads
- High stress related to cornonavirus is the new normal for many parents, says new APA survey
- Impact of children's loneliness today could manifest in depression for years to come
- Hannah Sherfinski: Breaking the silence: Identifying youth in need through trauma screening
- Adverse childhood experiences and smoking during adolescence and adulthood
- Young homeless people are struggling to stay safe during the pandemic
- Improving the adverse childhood experiences study scale
- Vital signs: Addressing childhood trauma requires discussing racism's impact
Brain and biology
- The neurobiology of social distance
- Connecting the brain to the rest of the body: Early childhood development and lifelong health are deeply intertwined
- The Brain Architects Podcast: Mental health in a locked-down world
- Looking under the hood: How brain science informs addiction treatment
- Where stress lives
- Expression of certain genes may affect vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder
- Chronic stress? Limiting inflammatory signalling to specific brain circuits
Bullying on the rise nationally, school official says
Courts, juvenile justice, corrections, and probation
- Pandemic is chance for leaders to collaborate on transforming youth justice
- Correctional health is public health: Jails and prisons are vectors for COVID-19
DHS career opportunity
Community Programs Quality Improvement Specialist
Posttraumatic stress disorder
- PTSD Research Quarterly - Volume 31/NO. 2, 2020
- A perfect storm for medical PTSD: Isolation, intensive care, and the coronavirus pandemic
- A tsunami of dementia could be on the way
- Post-traumatic stress disorder: Findings from the Australian National Survey on Mental Health and Well-Being
- The relationship between traumatic exposure, family dysfunction, and post-traumatic stress
- Resource: PTSD treatment basics
- Prevalence of post traumatic stress disorder and other psychiatric diagnoses in three groups of abused children (sexual, physical, both)
- Cannabis temporarily relieves PTSD symptoms, study suggests
- Medics forced to 'dissociate' by the trauma of COVID-19 work
- What most people don't understand about mental health
- The kind of hunger people don't talk about
- How can kindness reduce stress?
- How to build resilience as a trauma survivor
- How 8 business leaders are keeping employee mental health in mind during the cornoavirus pandemic
- The healing powers of gratitude
- Maintaining emotional sobriety during COVID-19
- Interview: Compassion training could help parents and their children
- Video: An Introduction to Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness
- Antioch: During COVID-19, how does a trauma-informed school pivot to distance learning?
- Video: The science behind brain breaks
- When SEL is used as another form of policing
Substance use disorder
- 75,000 Americans at risk from overdose or suicide due to coronavirus despair, group warns
- Addiction services face closures, cutbacks amid COVID-19 outbreak
- Resource: Kit for Kids
- When coronavirus pandemic passes, we'll stiff face the opioid epidemic
- Social distancing can be dangerous for people in addiction. Can a knock on the door help?
- Introduction to the Seven Essential Ingredients (7ei) of Trauma Informed Care
- Trauma Informed Care Train the Trainer 8-PART VIRTUAL SESSION
- Trauma Sensitive Schools VIRTUAL Networking Meeting
Trauma-informed care
- What is trauma-informed yoga?
- COVID-19 Lessons: The alignment of palliative medicine and trauma-informed care
- Beyond PPE: Protecting health care workers to prevent a behavioral health disaster
- Mitigating the pandemic - social work was built for this
- I learned the impact of prolonged exposure to stress from my foster child
- An innovative trauma-informed curriculum for sexual assault care
Domestic violence reports on the rise as COVID-19 keeps people at home, study shows
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