This blog post is one of several written by Dr. David Nichols, president of the American Board ofPediatrics: Thanks to all of you who responded to my last post about the mental health crisis amongAmerican children. Your comments confirm the impression I’ve received from pediatricians I’ve spoken with from around the country – that mental health diagnoses are increasing among our children and we’re not prepared to deal effectively with the crisis.
The big question is, what should we be doing about it?
The “we” here is inclusive – the ABP, general pediatricians, subspecialists and others. Your replies offered descriptions of several innovative models and best practices. I feel it’s worth highlighting a few representative ones.
A thoughtful post from Dr. Ellen Perrin sums up many of your concerns. She is Tufts University professor and director of research at the Center for Children with Special Needs – and incidentally, was the first chair of the ABP’s Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics subboard. She makes these recommendations (view her entire post for additional details)...
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