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Robin Williams's death: a reminder that suicide and depression are not selfish []

News of Robin Williams’s death due to apparent suicide, said to be a result of suffering severe depression, is terribly sad. But to say taking your own life because of such an illness is a ‘selfish’ act does nothing but insult the deceased, potentially cause more harm and reveal a staggering ignorance of mental health problems.


[For more of this story, written by Dean Burnett, go to]

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I have been wondering what was his ACE score? It was hard for me to find out much about his childhood except that he may have been well off and had a nanny.  However, there is a story in Bruce Perry's Born for Love about a boy who's mother kept changing the nanny every time the boy became attached with horrific consequences.  I don't know If Robin Williams had a high ACE score, but I can tell you and anyone else: Suicide is not selfish. It will hurt others around you but it (like use of drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, eating) is a coping mechanism to relieve oneself from incredible pain inside.  It is the ultimate and most irreversible coping mechanism but it still is just that. I wish we had know Mr. Williams ACEs score, if he had been interested imagine what a wonderful contributor he could have been for ACEs.   I find that ACEs doesn't for me just help this site and hopefully provide information that we can use to help families, but it helps me understand how I can turn tragedy into something beautiful.  You cannot grow lotus flowers on marble, you can only grow them in the mud.  To take the mud of suffering and then have the compassion to understand suffering and work to lessen it for others you grow lotus flowers. Oh captain my captain…..

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