THAT'S WHAT California law can require now. And that's why a woman who experienced a sexual assault by her husband and then divorced him went to the state Capitol in Sacramento to lobby for a change. did a nice job as did the Sacramento Bee in covering this issue. In a nutshell, Crystal Harris, whose ex-husband is serving 6 years for sexually assaulting her, was ordered by a judge to pay $1,000 a month spousal support and his legal fees. Her ex received 4 months of payments before going to jail, and can ask the payments be reinstated once he's out.
ALASKA GOVERNOR SEAN PARNELL is putting juice to his campaign to end family violence. According to this story by Lisa Demer in the Anchorage Daily News, he's sending all of his cabinet members across the state on March 29 to attend "Choose Respect" events. Even the Secretary of Transportation gets involved. Parnell has made domestic violence prevention a high priority.
He's requesting almost $12 million from the Legislature, including funding for 15 new village public safety officers and $1.3 million to provide housing vouchers for victims of violence. That's up from $7.7 million approved by lawmakers two years ago for programs under the "Choose Respect" banner.
That's great. But where's the integration of ACE concepts into every educational, social service, criminal justice, business and agency in the state? Just askin'.
HERE'S A WRAPUP of the two-day hearing at the Montana legislative committee -- the major themes are on the third page of the story. It's great that you can watch these hearings -- there was a lot of testimony about child trauma prevention, and how all systems across the state need to work together (education, criminal justice, etc.). There was even mention of the groundbreaking CDC's ACEs Study (Adverse Childhood Experience Study), testimony about the effect of toxic stress on children's brains, and that Montana has done its own ACE survey. It'll be interesting to see what comes out of this. Toward the end of the day, the legislators grilled the Child and Family Services administrator about problems in that agency. I hope the efforts don't stop there.
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