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Save A Warrior (SAW) is committed to addressing the staggering suicide rate plaguing our Military and First Responder communities.


The Save A Warrior (SAW) program helps save military and first responders dealing with crushing diagnosis, complex post-traumatic stress. Save A Warrior (SAW) is committed to addressing the staggering suicide rate plaguing our Military and First Responder communities.

Key Authors Informing the SAW Curriculum:

1. Man and His Symbols (Jung)

2. The Road Less Traveled (Peck)

3. The Body Keeps the Score (van der Kolk)

4. Odysseus in America (Shay)

5. How God Changes Your Brain (Neuberg)

Note, all five (5) of these authors are M.D.’s, four (4) of whom are noted psychiatrists;  SAW is based in science in keeping with ancient tradition, to “sacred theater” held in sacred space, “primarily” informed by some of the finer psychiatrists who prescribe a peer-to-peer psycho-spiritual experience for warriors struggling with PTS.

SAW Curriculum includes elements of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

Through an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) informed public health model, Save A Warrior transforms the lives of those struggling with unprocessed adverse childhood experiences/developmental trauma, workplace trauma; combat trauma; military sexual trauma (MST); poly-trauma; survivor’s guilt; moral injury; depression - collectively and clinically referred to as Complex Post-Traumatic Stress (C-PTS) - co-occurring with chemical and behavioral (process) addiction. Those affected with the above personal histories are at an ENHANCED risk for attempting suicide at some point during their lifetime. Because  many of our participants also report co-occurring challenges with addictive substances and life’s processes, our Shepherds/alumni provide thoughtful and caring, peer-to-peer, empathetic and ruthlessly compassionate testimonials on addiction and relevant recovery programs known as “community resiliency models” (AA - Alcoholic,s Anonymous, NA - Narcotics Anonymous, Al Anon - friends and families of alcoholics, ACA – Adult Children of Alcoholics/ Dysfunctional Families, etc). We refer to these proven, time-tested, well-grounded and commonsensical “slow” knowledge recovery programs as “the cure”.


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Emily’s Save a Warrior Testimony

“If you only read this short paragraph, please know that, whoever you are and wherever you’re at, there is something for you at Save A Warrior. You will have that ‘ah-ha’ moment that starts to change your life. I’ve seen it. It’s real... There are moments during the week when you think you’ll never get to Friday. But, you blink and suddenly you’re parting ways with transformed people. Over the course of the week the skin of my fellow Warriors began to glow, and their eyes-once dull- were now filled with light and seemed to grow clearer. One Warrior, after 11 years of passivity, realized that she was now in control in her life. Another entered the room on Sunday with a reserved and fearful demeanor and left on Friday smiling and laughing... The unknown is terrifying with stakes this high. This program and these providers, and your fellow Warriors-will not let you down.”

Katie’s Save a Warrior Testimony

Sisters. I love you all. Reflecting on the past few days at home. There’s been moments of ups and downs. Feeling like a sunken ship and then moments of empowerment through self care and love... if it wasn’t for Save a Warrior I wouldn’t be here today. I am forever grateful and I love you ladies so much. Each and every one of you gave me a form of strength that I carry with me along my healing journey. THANK YOU SAVE A WARRIOR!

Testimonies from our Save A Warrior™ (SAW) Alumni and their families always touch our hearts. I thought you would appreciate reading these:

Casey H’s Wife Save A Warrior™ (SAW) Testimony

He’s my Casey but better. Different. He’s at peace. Calm. He has a purpose to LIVE again. He doesn’t want to die. He wants to live. 100% believe without SAW I would lose him. I was losing him. He’s a different man. And I thank you. He looks up to you and he absolutely is so thankful. Thank you. What you do has to be tough sometimes. But you change lives, friend. Thank you.lFor the first time in many years I don’t feel the responsibility of keeping him alive on my shoulders. I see change in him but most of all I FEEL change in him. Thank you feels so small compared. McKenzie and you’re forever military family.

Scott G Save A Warrior™ (SAW)) Testimony

I created a Toxic environment in my home, my children feared me as well as my wife and she divorced me. Post SAW,the first thing I did was stop at her house, she instantly knew i changed, we are now dating for 2.5 years and getting remarried, and the children tell me for first time they love me, SAW did not just save my life, but they saved my family.

Save A Warrior™ (SAW)) Testimony Veteran Leo C

I am so thankful for SAW.  I was truly about to commit suicide when I found SAW. The Veterans Administration way of shedding trauma through weekly counseling is just not enough. SAW provides the critical means to download grief. Before SAW, I had this feeling that life could never get better. That as veteran, I was doomed to hiding in my living room until I died. It’s different now. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Know that this family is thankful for SAW.  We will honor SAW by being the best citizens, the best Americans and the best neighbors for the community.

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